Woj:根據聯盟的調查,Porter 押注暴龍隊輸球
NBA has leveled a lifetime ban on Jontay Porter for gambling.
NBA 已對 Jontay Porter 實施終身禁賽,原因是他參與賭博
In addition, from January through March 2024, while traveling with the Raptors
or Raptors 905, the Raptors’ NBA G League affiliate, Porter placed at least
13 bets on NBA games using an associate’s online betting account. These bets
ranged in size from $15 to $22,000, for a total of $54,094. The total payout
from these bets was $76,059, resulting in net winnings of $21,965. None of
the bets involved any game in which Porter played.
此外,在 2024 年 1 月至 3 月期間
在與暴龍隊或暴龍905隊(暴龍的 G 聯盟附屬隊)一起移動時
波特用一位同伴的線上賭博帳戶,至少下注 13 場 NBA 比賽
賭金從 15 美元到 22,000 美元不等,總計為 54,094 美元
這些賭注的總金額為 76,059 美元,淨收益為 21,965 美元
The league’s investigation found that prior to the Raptors’ March 20 game,
Porter disclosed confidential information about his own health status to an
individual he knew to be an NBA bettor. Another individual with whom Porter
associated and knew to be an NBA bettor subsequently placed an $80,000 parlay
proposition bet with an online sports book, to win $1.1 million, wagering that
Porter would underperform in the March 20 game.
根據聯盟的調查,發現在 3 月 20 日暴龍隊比賽之前
波特向一個他知道是 NBA 賭徒的人
另一個與波特有聯繫並且知道他是 NBA 賭徒的人
隨後在一家線上體育賭博公司下了 80000 美元的主題賭注
賭波特在 3 月 20 日的比賽中表現不佳,贏得了 110 萬美元
Most damning for Porter and the NBA itself: He bet the Raptors to lose,
according to league’s investigation.
對波特和 NBA 本身來說最具破壞性的是:根據聯盟的調查,他押注暴龍隊輸球。
球員壓自己球隊輸球,真的很哭欸= =
這應該是 NBA 首例了吧,覺得全球籃壇都會永ban
運動博弈已改變球迷 Tatum:我也不想害他們輸錢
日前克里夫蘭騎士總教練J.B. Bickerstaff曾透露,有賭徒傳訊息威脅他,也說運動博弈