[情報] A.Edwards & KAT 訪問全文

作者: darren2586 (Darren)   2024-05-20 20:58:59
記者:It's 20, I think, in the third quarter. What did you notice? What
flipped for you guys to allow you to climb back in it and take this?
KAT:Started hitting some shots, playing some defense. Even better
at a higher level, I thought. This is Timberwolves basketball. I think this
was just a real showing of Timberwolves basketball at its finest. It's a team
effort. You know, we got hype for players that we have. Me, him included on
this table. But like I said, we don't have a big three. We got a big 15. You
know, every single person on this team means a lot to this team. And they help
in so many different ways. And this game just shows that the Timberwolves,
not Anthony Edwards, not Carl Anthony Towns, not Rudy Gobert. The Timberwolves
are a special team.
這場正是灰狼隊的展現,不是Anthony Edwards, Karl Anthony Towns, Rudy Gobert,而
記者:Down at the end of the game, you got hundreds of fans right behind your
bench going. And what was that moment like for you? You've been through a lot
with this franchise. What were your emotions like as you soaked that in?
KAT:Yeah, I don't know if the camera's caught it, but I
definitely had a moment. Just, you know, I've been here nine years. I've
talked about wanting to win and do something special here at this organization
. And, you know, for all the failures and all the things that didn't
materialize and happen. The disappointment that comes with it to be having
this moment where...Even just for this moment, we get to celebrate the wins.
You know, for me, being here nine years, I've seen everything and seen it all...
Edwards: Fuck them nine years. ....THIS YEAR.
KAT:... Man fuck that nine years, But to be here and this year, these guys, this
team, after all that, it's just super special.
(Ant: After all that???)
(那些?! xD)
記者:Ant, you talked about the job Karl's done defending Jokic and how important
that has been in this series. Kind of felt like you guys really needed the
offensive push from him today. In addition to that, what stood out to you
about his game tonight?
Ant:He made all the right plays tonight. Once again, he only took 14 shots.
He's always super efficient from the field. He carried us tonight. Every time
we needed a bucket, he was there for us. We gave it to him in the post
multiple times. He made the right play multiple times, over and over again. We
get on him about crashing from the top, but today he crashed from the top for
a big bucket that we needed. Big shout out, for sure. He put us on his back
KAT:They hate when it don't work, and they love when it works.
他做了所有對的事情。 他只投了14球,在場上非常有效率,他扛起了我們。每次我們需
記者:After Game 5, you win two elimination games and KO the champs in their
own house at Game 7. Just what type of statement, when do you believe this to
be about this team and what you guys were able to win today?
Ant:I mean, it showed us who we are. Because the coaches believed in us, even
though at halftime, even in the third was down 20. They were like, just
keep making runs, keep making runs. And it showed us who we are, man. Once we
really lock in on the defensive end, because offensively we play okay. But
once we really lock in on the defensive end, man, we're a hell of a team to
記者:And it was along that run, I think it was something like 31-9, maybe
even better than that. From late in the, early in the third to early in the
fourth. Was there a sequence where you're like, okay, we got this, the game is
back, turned in our favor?
Ant:Yeah, I mean, I don't even know. Yeah, I think when Rudy hit the
turnaround, I was like, yeah, we probably got him. Because I know that'll kill
you. I know that'll kill your whole, that'll kill everything. Big shout out
to Big Ru, man. Big Ru hit the turnaround on his ass. Nah, yeah, I think that'
s when I knew we had him, once he hit that turnaround.
決定一切,那種球會徹底打垮你。」Shout out to 狗貝,他投進了那顆後仰。我想就在他
記者:You guys, um, Karl got that fifth foul, and Naz Reid came in and set the
tone on both ends of the floor. Just talk about how special he's been this
series, and what he means to this team.
Karl拿到第五犯時,Naz Reid跳出來並在攻守兩端做出貢獻,他對你們有多特別?
Ant:Man, Kat was just talking about it up here. I think the plus-minus stuff
is trash, because Naz, when Kat got his fifth foul, Naz came in, and he played
great defense on Jokic. Got a couple offensive rebounds, hit a big shot, got
a big dunk, maybe got a couple steals. He played hard, man. So, you know, he's
super important to our team, and we tell him all the time, just stay with it,
stay with it. And he stayed with it tonight, and it showed, for sure. I think
, just for me, it's just anyone who doubted him being the sixth man of the
year, the silence would be louder. He showed it tonight.
記者:You guys, what does it look like when, like, at halftime, when, like,
Finch comes in and he's ticked?
Ant:You said what?
記者:Finch comes in and is mad, clearly mad. Like, what does that look like
at halftime?
Ant:He wasn't really mad today. It was more so, like, he was like, I know we'
re gonna win this game. We just got to do this to win the game. Like, he wasn'
t really mad. He just came in, and the clips on the screen were like, this is
what we got to do to come back and win this game. If we do it, we'll win. If
we don't, we're gonna lose. And we did that.
記者:What are your thoughts on facing Dallas in the next round?
KAT:Honestly, I think that for us, we're just so happy about this moment. We
can't even think about the next moment.
Ant: I'm thinking about it.
KAT:But, I would say for us, if we continue to play Timberwolves basketball,
it will fix a lot of problems that we may have with that team and what they do
best. So, as long as we play Timberwolves-branded basketball, I like our
記者:For sure. For both of you guys, just what does it mean to go back to
Target Center? Now you're going to be hosting the Western Conference Finals in
front of your fans. Just what this means for the organization in general?
Ant:I'm going to let you talk about that. I've only been here three years.
KAT:Oh, now you've only been here three years.
The fans have been waiting for this moment, and this team has brought them this
moment. It's up to us now to capitalize on this opportunity and be the best
team we can be. Like I said, we play Timberwolves basketball. Every time this
series we play Timberwolves basketball, we've had the result we've been looking
for. Every time we try to deviate from that plan, it hasn't done well. So,
the fans know what they want.
Today was crazy. We were down 20. That wasn't Timberwolves basketball. That was
park basketball. That was the Wolves basketball. Now we play
Timberwolves basketball.
記者:This is for either one of you guys. And usually in NBA history, it says
you have to lose and lose big before you win. What is it about this team that
says that?
KAT:We lost last year.
記者:Yeah, but that's different. You have to lose at a bigger stage, usually.
KAT:It's the playoffs. We lost last year.
Ant:We lost the last two years. Shit.
KAT:Goddamn. How much more we gotta lose?
Ant:How much you want us to lose?
KAT:We've been losing for 20 years.
Ant:I mean, that's just the truth, dawg.
那是季後賽耶! 我們去年輸了。
記者:What makes you guys believe that you guys don't have to wait any longer,
that just getting past the second round isn't the goal, that you guys can win
the next two rounds?
Ant: I think this is the biggest thing to answer that question. It starts with
our head coach, Chris Finch. He comes in every day. He comes to work. He gets
there early. He's thinking of ways to get me and KAT open looks. He's
thinking of ways to get Mike and Rudy open looks. He's thinking of ways to get
J involved. He's trying to keep Naz in it to get him involved. He's just a
great coach, and he don't sugarcoat anything with anybody. If KAT fucking up,
he's gonna get on KAT. If I'm fucking up, he's gonna get on me. If Rudy's
fucking up, he's gonna get on anybody that's messing up throughout the game.
And I think that's what makes him the best coach in the NBA to me because no
matter who it is, no matter how high the player is on the pole, he's gonna get
on you from start to finish. And it starts with the head of the snake, and he
's the head of our snake. We all listen to him, look up to him, and he does a
great job of making sure we're ready to go every night.
要回答這個問題,我認為重點是我們的總教練Chris Finch。他每天進來,就是想著讓我
或KAT得到更好的出手機會、讓Mike Conley或狗貝得到好的出手機會,讓McDaniels或Naz
記者:Guys, I know this is something very special, but what are your thoughts
about that you are doing this 20 years later exactly than the first time that
the Timberwolves were in a Western Conference Finals with KG?
一件特別的事: 對於距離KG第一次帶灰狼隊打進西區決賽正好20年,你們有什麼想法?
KAT: I mean, just shout out to KG. Happy birthday, KG. Here's your president
from all of us. Happy birthday, my boy. So, I mean, it's special. It's special
any time you get a chance to do it. But like you said, to have a legend who
led the Timberwolves like that and then come 20 years later and be able to be
in the same situation that he was in, I think it's very special.
Ant:But, regardless, yeah, J-McDaniels was the MVP of the last two, uh,
series. Um, yeah, once again, he did it again. Yeah, um, J-McDaniels.
KAT:He's been here three years.
作者: a72158412009 (大樹)   2024-05-20 21:36:00
作者: zzz753951753 (Ali)   2024-05-20 23:14:00

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