Kazmier (代理人)
2024-06-20 10:31:17Ham重回公鹿 字母哥發揮重要作用
I recently chatted with a few NBA sources since ex-Lakers HC Darvin Ham
joined the Bucks staff.
They were adamant in saying Giannis Antetokounmpo had major input in Ham’s
hiring (shocking, eh?)
Some of those same sources also contend Ham, who had offers from seversl
other teams, took the Bucks job with the assumption he’ll eventually succeed
Doc Rivers as the Bucks HC.
自從前湖人總教練Darvin Ham加入公鹿後,我最近與幾位NBA消息人士進行了交談。
他們堅定地認為Giannis Antetokounmpo在Ham的聘用中發揮了重要作用(驚訝嗎?)
他認為自己最終會接替Doc Rivers擔任公鹿的總教練