The Miami Heat believe that their team is good enough to contend at full stren
gth, per
“But an NBA official who has spoken to the Heat said Miami continues to say t
hat while it wants to improve the team, it believes it has a roster good enoug
h to contend if healthy. That’s seemingly impossible to prove or disprove, be
cause they’re rarely fully healthy.”
根據熱火記者Barry Jackson消息,邁阿密熱火隊相信他們實力足夠強大,能夠全力爭冠
Barry Jackson說:一位與熱火隊交談過的NBA官方人士表示,熱火持續表示 雖然他們希
望提升球隊,但他們也相信,如果健康的話,他們的輪換陣容足夠好。 這似乎無法被證