Adrian Wojnarowski
55 秒
Los Angeles Clippers C Ivica Zubac has agreed on a three-year, $58.6 million con
tract extension, Mike Lindeman and Jeff Schwartz of
tell ESPN. Zubac gets max available for his three seasons and now is guaranteed
four years and $70M.
作者: kenkennnnnnn (建建) 2024-08-31 13:04:00
問題並不是他很強 問題是他被極度便宜的價格賣掉就像茶葉蛋一顆十塊 好吃價格不貴 但你晚餐也不會只吃一顆茶葉蛋 還會有其他主菜 而現在茶葉蛋免費送你吃不香嗎?