2024-11-23 03:50:15資料來源:NBACentral Twitter
就在今天 媒體發布了 誰是76人的內鬼的賠率
Odds on who will be revealed as the ‘snitch’ in the Sixers’ locker room,
Joel Embiid -110
Eric Gordon +325
Paul George +800
Reggie Jackson +800
Andre Drummond +1800
Kyle Lowry +1800
Kelly Oubre Jr +1800
Caleb Martin +1800
Tyrese Maxey +500
Jared McCain +2000
看起來 媒體一致認為大帝才是那個洩密者...?
※ 引述《dragon803 (AZKiちゃん大好き)》之銘言:
: Joel Embiid was not happy that details of the Philadelphia 76ers recent team
: meeting leaked. Embiid countered the reports about the meeting, while also
: adding a message for whoever leaked the details to the media.
: Joel Embiid對費城76人最近的球隊會議細節被洩露感到不滿,他不僅駁斥了關於會議的
: 報導,還對將會議細節洩露給媒體的人一段訊息
: "Whoever leaked that is a real piece of (expletive). But even then, we talked
: about a lot of things. I don’t want to get into the details, but that whole
: thing probably took 30 seconds," Embiid said.
: 「洩露會議內容的人真是個....(髒話),但即便如此,我們談了很多事情。我不想深入
: 討論細節,但整件事情大概只花了30秒,」Embiid說道。
: Reports came out earlier this week that in an hour-long meeting that involved
: players and coaches, that Tyrese Maxey called out Embiid for regularly being
: late to team activities. Maxey said Embiid's tardiness impacts everyone, from
: coaches to players.
: 在這週早些時候有報導指出,在一場包括球員和教練參與的,大約1小時的會議中,Maxey
: 曾批評Embiid經常在參加球隊的活動上遲到,Maxey跟Embiid表示他的遲到對教練和球員
: 都造成了影響。
: Embiid also said he wasn't late as often as portrayed in reports, but that he
: appreciates his bond with Maxey and the Sixers point guard wanting him to be
: better.
: Embiid雖然也澄清了他並沒有像報導講的「總是遲到」,但他很感激與Maxey之間的關係,
: 以及這位76人控球後衛督促他變得更好的心意。
: "That’s the relationship we have. Nothing malicious. I like when people are
: telling me what I’m not doing good, what I need to do better. Even though
: that part (the tardiness) maybe happened once or twice, when I wasn’t
: playing," Embiid said about his relationship with Maxey.
: 「這就是我們之間的關係,沒有任何惡意的,我喜歡別人告訴我哪些地方做得不好,哪些
: 地方需要做得更好,即便我遲到的情況可能只發生過一兩次,而且是在我沒有上場的時候
: 。」
: Embiid談到他與Maxey的關係
: (耶不是 你如果真的遲到就承認就好了啦 什麼叫做只發生1-2次= = 這個時候就是要順著
: 台階下去啊~)
: https://reurl.cc/96XrAa
: 本來我是不想拿這篇的
: 但看到BR馬上只取完整訪問的最前段
: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Gc6qcozWEAAup4o.jpg
: 就覺得...乾 怎麼又來 所以還是翻一下
: (你好歹也補一下他跟Maxey的那段吧)
: Maxey今天對灰熊的比賽雖然明顯沒好跟不在狀況就回歸,但感覺還是有帶動士氣,第四
: 節一度打到差點落後20分+最後大家跟Embiid一路狂追到剩下4分才因為Embiid的失誤確定
: 沒了
: 雖然又輸球還是蠻慘的吧 但比起前幾場死氣沉沉的比賽內容略有改善
: 也是大帝這一季最拚的比賽了,都被撞到在摸膝蓋了,最後還是硬上跟大家一路狂追
: 雖然他今天又留下了罰球奇怪的動作被人家嘲笑的鏡頭,也還沒真的恢復身體,但也只能
: 一場一場看了,起碼這場以改善來說有一個還行的進展了
: 然後PG的檢查結果明天才會知道,也祈禱他不要缺太久吧= =