[花邊] Lillard拿50萬獎金分給了公鹿的工作人員

作者: kayaOAO (Kaya)   2024-12-25 16:35:06
Damian Lillard split up some of his $500,000 NBA Cup prize between the
Milwaukee Bucks cleaning staff and court staff. He even distributed some to
those who take the shirts and shoes to the locker room
Lillard added, "I wanted to support the regular employees of the team."
Damian Lillard 將他獲得的 50 萬美元 NBA 杯獎金中的一部分分給了
作者: kyoko3678906   2024-12-25 16:38:00
作者: wilson920610 (Lulala69)   2024-12-25 16:53:00
作者: NankanAvenge (amuse)   2024-12-25 17:08:00
小李的錢不是因為離婚大失血雖然肯定還是很有錢小李饒舌不虧錢就不錯了吧 他有靠那賺錢?你爽也可以包下整個鳥巢開演唱會啊= =
作者: kevinsun0328 (我愛柴柴)   2024-12-25 18:44:00
作者: wilson920610 (Lulala69)   2024-12-25 19:09:00
拓荒以前就很ㄏ 說要拼冠然後選了個scoot
作者: Hohenzollern   2024-12-25 20:47:00
作者: BayAreaUnite (FTTB)   2024-12-25 22:01:00
作者: spoilede0824   2024-12-25 23:59:00
推 反觀一哥嘔嘔嘔嘔
作者: BREAKFAST204 (MOODUN)   2024-12-26 07:49:00

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