kakala99 (Fernando Torres #9)
2025-01-08 13:59:51@anthonyVslater
Steve Kerr said the Warriors are suffering from a “crisis of confidence”
right now.
On the deflated Steph Curry: “He is struggling with the emotion of (the
team) not being competitive right now.”
Steve Kerr表示,勇士隊現在正處於一場「信心危機」。
談到士氣低落的Steph Curry時,他說:「他正為球隊目前缺乏競爭力的情況而苦惱。」
Steve Kerr notes that the Warriors are “way at the bottom of the league” in
layups and free throws. Mentions it is personnel based. Asked about urgency
heading toward deadline: “Those are questions for Mike.”
Steve Kerr指出,勇士隊在上籃和罰球方面「位居聯盟末端」,他提到這與球員陣容有
當被問到交易截止日前的緊迫性時,他回答:「這些問題應該問Mike Dunleavy Jr. 。」