[外絮] Bronny戰報:慘敗中重回輪替

作者: LukaDoncic77 (LD77)   2025-01-20 15:27:51
Bronny James Stats Tonight: LeBron James' son returns to lineup in blowout loss
to LA Clippers (Jan. 19)
LeBron James' son Bronny James returned to the LA Lakers lineup in Sunday's blow
out loss to the LA Clippers at the Intuit Dome. Bronny entered the game with 1:4
0 left as his father and other starters exited the game with a 15-point deficit.
However, the second-round pick didn't get much action in that stretch.
LeBron James 的兒子 Bronny James 在週日對洛杉磯快艇的慘敗中重返洛杉磯湖人隊陣容
,這場比賽於 Intuit Dome 進行。當比賽剩下 1 分 40 秒時,Bronny 登場,而此時父親
LeBron 和其他先發球員已因落後 15 分而退場。然而,這位第二輪選秀的球員在上場時間
Bronny didn't add to his box score across any statistical category. However, he
was a +/- -1. The Lakers lost the game 116-102. LeBron James was the Lakers' bes
t player with 25 points and 11 assists. Meanwhile, the Clippers rode behind 20-p
oint games from James Harden, Norman Powell and Ivica Zubac.
Bronny 在統計數據上沒有任何計分,+/- 為 +1。最終,湖人以 116-102 輸掉比賽。LeBro
n James 是湖人隊的最佳球員,貢獻了 25 分和 11 次助攻。另一方面,快艇隊則依靠 Jam
es Harden、Norman Powell 和 Ivica Zubac 各自的 20 分表現取得勝利。
Zubac also had 19 rebounds, three assists and three blocks. The Lakers fell to 2
2-18 on the season and missed the chance to pass the Clippers in the standings a
fter this loss, who improved to 24-17.
Zubac 另有 19 個籃板、3 次助攻和 3 次火鍋。湖人隊本場比賽結束後戰績為 22 勝 18
敗,錯失了超越快艇的機會,而快艇戰績則上升為 24 勝 17 敗。
作者: conqueror507 (冷箭)   2025-01-20 15:42:00
作者: jetloading00 (jet)   2025-01-20 15:56:00

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