Nico Harrison just said Jason Kidd didn't know about the Luka Doncic trade while Jason Kidd is sitting right next to him Nico Harrison 剛剛表示 Jason Kidd 對盧卡・唐西奇的交易毫不知情, 而 Kidd 就坐在他旁邊。 他表情說明了一切 Asked Nico Harrison what he would say to frustrated Mavs fans: “I’m sorry they are frustrated. It’s something we believe in as an organization that’s going to make us better. We believed it sets us up to win not only now but in the future. And when we win, I believe the frustration will go away.” 當被問到對感到沮喪的獨行俠球迷有何想說的話時,Nico Harrison 回應道: 「我很遺憾他們感到沮喪。 作為一支球隊,相信這筆交易能讓我們變得更好。 我們認為這不僅能幫助我們贏得現在,也能為未來奠定勝利的基礎。 而當我們開始贏球時,我相信球迷的這種沮喪就會消失。」 Luka texted the Mavs team group chat following the trade and said "thanks for everything" Luka 在交易後發了訊息給獨行俠群組,說「thanks for everything」。