OsmanGo (Osman)
2025-02-11 12:04:38消息來源:https://x.com/TheDunkCentral/status/1889009039637467487
LeBron’s camp took notice of how quickly the Lakers traded picks to appease
Luka Doncic, while LeBron had wanted the same for years, per
"What is clear is that Doncic will have a say. And it wasn't lost on James'
camp, sources said, that Pelinka prioritized Doncic's involvement upon his
arrival and immediately engaged in the Williams trade that he'd asked for,
when James had for years wanted the team to trade its picks to improve its
LeBron 陣營注意到湖人為了取悅 Luka Doncic,迅速交易選秀權,而 LeBron 多年來一
直希望球隊這麼做,卻沒有獲得同樣的待遇,據 @mcten 報導。
「可以確定的是,Doncic 將擁有發言權。而消息人士透露,LeBron 陣營也注意到,
Pelinka 在 Doncic 加盟後,立刻將他的意見視為優先事項,並迅速完成了他要求的
Williams 交易,而 LeBron 多年來一直希望球隊用選秀權來提升陣容,卻未能如願。」