[情報] SGA將利用SUPERMAX合約省下約1200萬鎂

作者: SeanLi1013 (TrunksHOPE)   2025-02-28 23:50:52
SGA is about to save $12 million... after finding a loophole in NBA contracts.
Per Chris Haynes, SGA fired longtime agents Thad Foucher and Joe Smith to beco
me his own agent, in what could be the most important offseason of his career.
Regardless of what happens to the Thunder this season, SGA can become the firs
t player in NBA history to make $300 million in a span of 4 years.
But in every contract a player signs, 4% of that goes to the agent (per Front
Office Sports):
NBA supermax = $294 million
Agent fee = 4%
SGA's savings = $11.77 million
Thanks to the NBA laying out how a supermax is structured, SGA can now save $1
2 million by representing himself in contract negotiations.
His method is a bit unorthodox, but it's also not the first time an athlete ha
s tried it and succeeded.
And with how SGA has played this season, it shouldn't take much to convince an
yone that he's worth every dollar.
SGA即將省下 1200 萬美元……因為他在 NBA 合約中找到了一個漏洞。
根據 Chris Haynes 的報導,SGA 解雇了長期以來的經紀人 Thad Foucher 和 Joe Smith
無論雷霆隊本賽季的表現如何,SGA 都有機會成為 NBA 歷史上首位在 4 年內賺取 3 億
但根據 Front Office Sports 的數據,每位球員簽約時,合約金額的 4% 需要支付給經
NBA 超級頂薪合約 = 2.94 億美元
經紀人費用 = 4%
SGA 節省金額 = 1177 萬美元
由於 NBA 明確規定了超級頂薪的結構,SGA 透過自行談判合約,將能省下 1200 萬美元

而且,以 SGA 本賽季的表現來看,沒有人會懷疑他值得每一分錢。
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow)   2025-03-01 00:03:00
作者: airash800513 (蒼茫)   2025-03-01 00:32:00
作者: roger2623900 (whitecrow)   2025-03-01 00:35:00
哈登那被過河拆橋 有經紀人也沒用啊
作者: airash800513 (蒼茫)   2025-03-01 00:46:00
作者: brothers5023 (狗哥)   2025-03-01 01:27:00
反正後果自負 跟保險一樣 每個人都抱持著僥倖心態出事就後悔莫及也對 就跟我招人一樣 一堆低能一個月給兩萬我都覺得我很佛心了 資方有漏洞能少給勞方我一定鑽
作者: NankanAvenge (amuse)   2025-03-01 02:04:00
一千兩百萬是三四年的底薪欸 老了找不到隊伍要靠經紀公司又怎樣 也才得罪一家經紀公司 經紀公司還有那麼多間而且還是會給自己的親友加上請幾個專業人士組一個經紀團隊吧
作者: alittleghost (littleghost)   2025-03-01 07:07:00
作者: baller0allen (Lo que paso paso..)   2025-03-01 08:15:00
作者: NankanAvenge (amuse)   2025-03-01 08:31:00
如果是其他商業活動的話 應該也能找另外一個經紀不一定非得綁球員合約處理吧?
作者: silentsky555 (寂寞天空)   2025-03-01 09:43:00

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