Sotheby's selling jerseys from Jordan's preseason debut, Bryant's first regula
r-season game
The first jersey Michael Jordan ever wore on an NBA court in 1984.
The jersey Kobe Bryant was wearing when he played his first NBA regular-season
game in 1996.
Both remarkable pieces of game-worn history will sell for the first time in mo
re than a decade at Sotheby’s this spring, with the two jerseys expected to f
etch a combined $20 million in arguably the most significant auction of NBA ga
me-worn memorabilia in recent memory.
Jordan’s 1984 NBA preseason debut jersey with the Chicago Bulls — the only p
hoto-matched Jordan jersey from his rookie season known to exist — is among t
he first Bulls jerseys ever issued to Jordan.
At age 21, Jordan made his pro debut in a preseason game against the Indiana P
acers on Oct. 5, 1984, scoring 18 points on 7-for-16 shooting. The game was pl
ayed in Peoria, Ill., in front of a crowd of about 2,000 people. The jersey is
additionally photo-matched to Jordan's second and third games of the NBA pres
The only jersey to sell publicly from earlier in Jordan’s Bulls career is the
one he held up for cameras during his introductory press conference, which, w
hile not photo-matched, sold most recently for more than $500,000 via collecti
ble investment platform Rally in 2024.
It has been nearly 15 years since Jordan's preseason debut jersey sold at publ
ic auction, last selling for $66,000 at Grey Flannel in 2009. At the time of t
he sale, the jersey, which exhibits faint markings of another number and name
on the back — indicating it had been reused by the Bulls organization — was
accompanied by a 1985 letter from the Bulls authenticating the jersey as worn
by Jordan.
In the lot description, former Bulls Director of public relations Tim Hallam i
s quoted as telling the original consignor, “If that jersey has a number and
name change, sounds like you have the very first jersey this organization issu
ed Michael Jordan.”
Michael Jordan在1984年NBA比賽場上首次穿著的球衣。
Kobe Bryant在1996年NBA例行賽首戰時穿著的球衣。
Jordan 1984年NBA熱身賽首秀時所穿的芝加哥公牛隊球衣——這是目前唯一已知存在且經
Rally 以超過50萬美元成交。
距離這件Jordan熱身賽首秀球衣上次公開拍賣,已將近15年。該球衣上次於2009年在 Gre
y Flannel 拍賣會上以66,000美元售出。當時,這件球衣的背部可見淡淡的另一組號碼與
在拍賣品描述中,前公牛隊公關總監Tim Hallam被引述對原始出賣人表示:「如果這件球
衣曾更改過號碼和姓名,那麼你擁有的,很可能就是公牛隊發給Michael Jordan的第一件
With an estimate of $10 million, the jersey could rival the record sale of Jor
dan’s "Last Dance" jersey from Game 1 of the 1998 Finals ($10.1 million), whi
ch is currently the second-most expensive piece of sports memorabilia ever sol
d, behind only Babe Ruth’s “Called Shot” jersey ($24.12 million).
The jersey from Jordan's first preseason home game in a Washington Wizards uni
form sold for $87,000 last May at Heritage.
Bryant’s NBA debut jersey, from the Lakers' Nov. 3, 1996, game against Minnes
ota, also carries a $10 million estimate. The jersey last sold at public aucti
on for $115,242 at Grey Flannel in 2013.
Bryant, who did not play in the Lakers' 1996-97 season opener, came off the be
nch in the second game of the year, playing six minutes with one block and one
rebound in the Lakers' 91-85 victory over the Timberwolves.
The current record for a Bryant jersey is $5.85 million for a jersey worn by B
ryant in at least 25 games during his 2007-08 MVP season.
這件球衣的估價為1,000萬美元,有望與Jordan「Last Dance」時在1998年總決賽第一場
於Babe Ruth在「預告全壘打」比賽時所穿的球衣(2,412萬美元)。
Jordan在華盛頓巫師隊首次熱身賽主場比賽所穿的球衣,去年5月曾在 Heritage 拍賣會
為1,000萬美元。這件球衣上次在2013年 Grey Flannel 拍賣會上以115,242美元成交。