[外絮] Grimes對Doncic被貼上的負面標籤不以為然

作者: LABOYS (洛城浪子)   2025-03-08 12:26:40
Grimes was shocked the Mavericks moved him in a follow-up trade for 29-year-
old wing Caleb Martin, who has been out since Jan. 10 with a hip injury and
still hasn’t returned. That decision alone would have been criticized, but
the Doncic deal made it an afterthought.
“It’s crazy what’s going on, so it’s a blessing in disguise that I got
moved,” Grimes said. “But I feel for them for sure. We had a tight-knit
group over there this season. We had a good chance of winning it all. But that
’s the NBA and dudes get moved all the time.”
Grimes 對於獨行俠在後續交易中將他換來 29 歲的側翼球員 Caleb Martin 感到震驚。
Martin 自 1 月 10 日因髖部傷勢缺陣至今仍未復出。
這筆交易本身就會受到批評,但因為 Doncic 的交易,這件事反而成了次要話題。
也有很好的拚冠機會。但這就是 NBA 吧,球員被交易是家常便飯。」
Grimes took issue with the way Doncic has been portrayed on his way out the
door from Dallas. Grimes dismissed the team’s concerns about Doncic’s
conditioning and work habits, saying his former teammate was always in the gym
whenever he would show up for his late-night shooting sessions or practice-
day weightlifting.
“It’s just a narrative around him. Once a narrative gets thrown out there,
everybody just runs with it,” Grimes said. “Whatever they’re saying, if he
’s 270 (pounds) and he gets to the finals, let him be 270 then. It’s crazy.”
Grimes 對於 Doncic 離開達拉斯時被貼上的標籤有所不滿。
他對球隊對 Doncic 體能狀況與訓練習慣的擔憂十分不以為然,
永遠都會看到 Doncic 在球館裡。
「不管他們怎麼說,就算他真的有 270 磅好了,
他能打進總冠軍賽,那就讓他 270 磅啊。這太荒謬了。」
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