[花邊] Kerr:JB來了 Kuminga將轉型成支援的角色球員

作者: Kazmier (代理人)   2025-03-12 09:22:51
Steve Kerr on Jonathan Kuminga coming back to a different team/how he'll have
to adapt:
“I think his last couple of weeks, we were really running a lot of things
through him, because Jimmy wasn’t here yet. Now that Jimmy is here, look,
Jimmy, is one of the best players in the league. He’s proven it. Soon as he
got here, we started winning. And so we’re going to run through Jimmy
Butler, and we’re going to run through Steph Curry. So what that requires of
JK is to be settling into a role to support those guys and that’s slightly
different and that’s just something that he has to adapt to.”
Steve Kerr談Jonathan Kuminga回歸將面臨不同的球隊環境/他將如何適應:
現在Jimmy來了,聽著,Jimmy 是聯盟中最好的球員之一,他已經證明了這一點。
自從他來到這裡,我們就開始贏球了。所以我們會圍繞著Jimmy Butler和Steph Curry
的情況有些不同,這是他必須適應的。 」
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作者: HelloBonj0ur (HelloBonj0ur)   2025-03-12 09:32:00
與其說柯學家討厭新人 不如說柯學家討厭沒球商的人隊上舔哥 木笛 POST 哪個不是年輕人 但他們球商夠所以都有上場時間阿
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肯定吹的吧 少主變支援
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開特立顧好 苦命
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應該先清巴蒂吧 咖哩pods gp 木笛一二號應該夠用 苦命感覺最後還是會續 最後這三年拚完總是要有人接班

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