joffeter (左飛特宇溫斯)
2009-02-27 13:54:09※ 引述《joffeter (圖書館)》之銘言:
: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6k539HSbXM
: 除了籃球外,還有跳高,
: 哈林籃球隊時期根本是七呎後衛!
推 zzzaaq:以前7呎1的長人不多吧,防守他的球員都比他矮
當時唯一比大帥高的人叫做Harvey Hallbrook,身高七呎三吋,
Harvey Wade "Swede" Halbrook (January 30, 1933 - April 5, 1988).
He played in college for Oregon State University, and at 7 ft 3 in (2.21 m),
was at the time the tallest player to ever play college basketball.
Halbrook was a key presence in many of the Nationals' victories, including
a 3-game series sweep over Wilt Chamberlain and the Philadelphia Warriors.
Syracuse coach Alex Hannum told an Oregonian reporter that "Wilt was really
concerned with Swede...Wilt never had to look anyone in the eye and he would
get more involved in trying to outplay Swede than he would in trying to win
the game."
When Halbrook joined the Oregon State Beavers, Life magazine declared him
the "World's Tallest Basketball Player" in their Jan. 18, 1954 issue.