※ 引述《gy3109》之銘言:
: 作者: gy3109 (武松打老婆) 看板: NBA_Film
: 標題: [影片] Ray Allen And Sam Cassell Play One On One
: 時間: Tue Dec 1 20:47:35 2009
: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_7bY9m4zfE&NR=1
: 到底是Ray Gun比較厲害
: 還是外星人勝出呢
: 還有求影片中採訪的翻譯
: 小弟英文不是很好
NBA players are competitive guys, they always want games.
That is true whether it's a playoff game or just a friendly competition during
workout.Recently we found out Celtics' guards Ray Allen and Sam Cassell had a
little rivalry going on at practice, and each one revealss like heat of the
RA: You have to avoid his mouth, everything's a foul. And meanwhlie, while he's
talking he's trying to score you, so can't go for the pulp fakes, you know
he's got abuse on them.
SC: Ray won, but he cheated, he cheated to win.
He gotta do something trying to win, he gotta cheat.
RA: You know, the winner rarely said a dope when he's cheating, right?
There you go.