boyeng 2010-05-11 11:04:23※ 引述《dabindabin (DaBin)》之銘言:
: 最近在看季後賽的時後看到緯來播的廣告
: 是一個用訪問球員講的話串起來
: 加上配樂跟剪接
: 完全變成一部超讚的rap
: 不過我只聽到包皮講的 I will never give up!!
: 有沒有人找得到這個短片還是音樂檔阿?
step step step step it up
and we never give up
its all about never givin in
and we never give up
its about will and who wants the most
stepin up
this is what its all about
two great teams who are
stepin up
get the guys ready to go
its about who wants the most
that what great players do
make big plays
step step step it up
and we never give up
its all about havin the heart of a champion