[籃球] 大學籃球國家邀請賽 球隊邀請規則改變

作者: icecreamdog   2023-10-31 05:59:14
NCAA Announced Major Changes to the NIT and the College Hoops World Is Not
NCAA 宣布要改變補償大賽的選擇規則
The NIT is an ancient, if slightly notorious, college basketball tradition.
Every year fans of NCAA tournament-bound schools serenade their rivals with
chants of "N-I-T," likely oblivious to the fact that the historic tournament
predates its larger, more prestigious cousin.
NIT 是具有歷史但又有點爭議的大學籃球傳統
總會在客場被球迷以 N-I-T 的口號招待
However, on Friday college basketball fans mobilized to defend the staple of
March Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Traditionally, the NIT field automatically
includes any team that wins its conference's regular-season title but does
not qualify for the NCAA tournament—historically a boon for mid- and
對於過去 NIT 的邀請規定
In 2024, that will change. The field will now guarantee berths to 12 teams
from the ACC, Big Ten, Big 12, Big East, Pac-12 and SEC regardless of record,
and will extend no such courtesy to low-major regular-season champions.
2024 的三月 NIT 將會保障六大聯盟 12 名額
取消過去邀請 小聯盟季賽冠軍卻沒有進入瘋三的球隊的傳統
The move proved wildly unpopular with college basketball writers and fans
already scarred by football-centric realignment.
因為最近聯盟的重組都是圍繞著大學 Football
Many expressed that the move displayed a fundamental misunderstanding of the
NIT's appeal to fans and schools.
Dissatisfaction with college sports's money-chasing direction reigned.
The revamped NIT was frequently framed as a reaction to rumblings that Fox
would attempt to stage a postseason tournament on its family of networks.
MAC commissioner Jon Steinbrecher directly attacked the new policy.
小聯盟中大西洋聯盟的會長 毫不諱言地批評這項政策
Doomsaying ran rampant as some wondered whether the NCAA was setting up
future protections for power conferences in other tournaments.
NCAA 這項變革很明顯是為保護大聯盟球隊
Bad teams that would've qualified for past NITs under the new rules were
對於有可能被邀請打 NIT 的球隊是值得被關注的一件事
Some fans focused on the fact that the NIT's selection procedures, once
fairly straightforward, were now just plain difficult to understand.
現在許多球迷對於 NIT 選委會的邀請模式更感困惑
The reality that the NIT's changes were instituted a year after North Texas
beat UAB to win it did not go unnoticed.
NCAA 實施新政策的東擊很難不讓人懷疑
作者: edgelee (Mr.Butter)   2023-10-31 15:07:00
Fox 要搞的季後賽 是給沒進 tournament 的Power 5 teams16隊 在Las Vegas目前是卡在跟各個學校的AD 要求 如果被邀請 不能拒絕參加目前有數個AD 不接受這個要求 而且因為主辦方是FOX一些ESPN 的conference 像ACC/SEC 也可能被ESPN 擋這個新季後賽確實還有蠻多個關卡要過的感覺NIT 有點太急著要應對這個還沒成立的季後賽...
作者: icecreamdog   2023-11-01 00:33:00
推 小球隊灰姑娘才是瘋三靈魂 power6的補償大賽真的有票房?

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