※ [本文轉錄自 NCCU08_PF 看板 #1DVNPQnh ]
作者: liuyang0730 (Liu Yang) 看板: NCCU08_PF
標題: [財金] 摩根士丹利暑期實習計畫政大說明會
時間: Mon Mar 14 09:58:47 2011
Discover Morgan Stanley’s 2011 Summer Internship Programs.
Join us for an intensive 10-week program in Taiwan, commencing
in July 2011. Opportunities are available in our Institutional Equity,
Investment Banking, Operations and Research Divisions.
Summer Interns who consistently perform beyond expectations may
receive fulltime offers.
Camus Recruitment Presentation
National Chengchi University (NCCU)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
12:30 a.m.–2:00 p.m.
International Conference Hall, College of Commerce
國立政治大學商院國際會議廳 (商學院一樓)
Come meet our management team:
‧ Sean Chao, CEO, Morgan Stanley Taiwan
‧ Evelyn Ou, Executive Director, Research
‧ James Nien, Managing Director, Investment Banking
‧ John Chen, Executive Director, Firm Management
‧ Peter Tung, Managing Director, Private Wealth Management
‧ Wallace Ko, Managing Director, Institutional Equity
How to Apply
Students graduating between December 2011 and July 2012 should submit
applications through our website. Please click the “Apply” link and select
“Summer Analyst.” The deadline is March 25, 2011.