okk (︿(@ ̄o ̄@)︿)
2007-05-07 00:46:15※ [本文轉錄自 Tennis 看板]
作者: Stuward (lucky break) 看板: Tennis
標題: Former world number one Clijsters quits tennis
時間: Sun May 6 20:02:32 2007
不等了 Kim今天在官網正式宣佈退役
祝福Kim有美好幸福的生活 擁抱自己的另一個新人生
We'll miss you, Kim!
Belgian tennis star and former world number one Kim Clijsters has announced her
immediate retirement from the sport, according to a statement on her personal
website on Sunday.
Clijsters, who has won 34 WTA singles titles in her career including the US
Open in 2005, had already announced that this would be her final year on the
On Sunday she said in the statement that battling injuries and the constant
effort to stay at the top had finally taken there toll.
"It has been more than beautiful. But it's time to hang up my racquet for good,"
said Clijsters, who had already announced this season would be her last.
"After the fantastic and moving farewell in Antwerp all good things must come
to an end."
Clijsters lost in the Antwerp final to Frenchwoman Amelie Mauresmo, but the
Belgian said that concerns over injury and the constant efforts to remain a top
contender had led her to leave the sport slightly earlier than planned.
"The constantly returning injuries, the laborious crawl out of bed in the
morning and the time it takes to warm up tired muscles ... make it all the more
difficult to continue"
The 23-year-old Clijsters won her last WTA crown at Sydney in January and was
eliminated from the Warsaw WTA event this week in the first round by Ukrainian
qualifier Julia Vakulenko in straight sets.
In early April 2006, Clijsters - who was formerly engaged to Australian tennis
ace Lleyton Hewitt - announced her engagement to American pro basketball player
Brian Lynch who now plays in Belgium.
She is due to marry Lynch in July.
Clijsters said earlier this season she would be playing less as her career
wound down, and had announced she would not play in two of the season's Grand
Slams - Roland Garros and the US Open.
After her elimination from Warsaw Clijsters admitted that recent injuries had
already made up her mind over her future.
"I still like to play tennis but my injuries the last few years have made me
not enjoy it as much as before," she had said.
"Last year I was working with trainers but would still get injury problems."
作者: sqwhite (hElLo 你好嗎 衷心感謝) 2007-05-06 20:06:00
oistrach (Amit Tour)
2007-05-06 20:08:00希望Kim以後會跟Hingis一樣手癢重拾球拍~~
作者: shchw 2007-05-06 20:16:00
So sad..
santoro (No pains, no gains)
2007-05-06 20:36:00miss you. kim~
heathers (heathers)
2007-05-06 20:45:00太突然了吧> <
作者: jyas (我真的很低調) 2007-05-06 20:46:00
心裡覺得很可惜:( 但還是祝福她囉:)
作者: pumczhou 2007-05-06 20:47:00
Bless kim, wish you a good family life!
作者: lacitta818 2007-05-06 20:50:00
eddy1217 (Dreamer~)
2007-05-06 20:51:00很突然 不過希望Kim幸福
作者: arcticircle 2007-05-06 21:09:00
作者: Picathu 2007-05-06 21:11:00
祝福有美好的新生活 還是有點捨不得 唉~~~
GMA (愛上擺盪的失落)
2007-05-06 21:31:00什麼....!! 天呀!!
erickin (阿更)
2007-05-06 21:38:00KIM,祝福你!
作者: noemie (阿卯毛&喵米迷) 2007-05-06 22:03:00
Kim >"< 真心祝福她幸福
作者: oldtype (束縛在地球圈的舊人類) 2007-05-06 23:00:00
唉 真是無預警 跟戴姐一樣 我記不得她們最後打球的身影...
作者: a20713 (Rock'n'Roll Circus) 2007-05-06 23:32:00
KIM寶貝掰掰>O< 祝福你唷!!!!
chairman (無止境的奮戰)
2007-05-07 00:02:00雖有幸福家庭很好 但是真的太早了 希望她日後不會後悔
eolhc (eolhc)
2007-05-07 00:02:00嗚嗚,就這樣說要退出> < 希望還有機會能復出! Kim,祝福你!!!
chairman (無止境的奮戰)
2007-05-07 00:03:00以她的天分跟努力 成就絕對可以不僅於現在的一座大滿貫總覺得她的成就 根本還沒到頂 就突然結束
作者: ponyryan (Go!Roddick!Go ) 2007-05-07 00:11:00
我會懷念妳的劈腿救球,Kim Baby!