[KIM ] Diamond Games

作者: huohuo (= =)   2011-12-01 13:23:29
Very eager to take part in Diamond Games
期待參加Diamond Games
Hardly a week before the Diamond Games, bring them on! I look forward to be
playing an entire match again, which has been a while, especially in a big
stadium. The motivation is in place, the training sessions are going really
well. Time to start and pencil in an important next step eyeing next year.
The excitement of playing against the world's number one and in front of so
many spectators are the perfect circumstances for a real test. I've already
tweeted with Caroline Wozniacki that she'd better be ready for this. At the
Masters last year I played one my best matches ever against her, I most
certainly hope this will be the case again. And watch out for the doubles
later on, Elke has been preparing very thoroughly. We'll be training next
離Diamond Games只剩下一個禮拜了,我非常期待能夠再次打整場的比賽,尤其是在大的
In the meantime I'm on track. The tough and strenuous physical training has
now been replaced by several hours of tennis each day, like 1-2.30pm today.
Physically I feel fine, maybe even fitter than ever before! I'll be playing
my first set tomorrow, against Stefaan, my sparring partner.
Last week we had friends over from the States. I'm happy that Brian regularly
sees friends coming over. We all went to Eurodisney and of course the kids
were over the moon about it all! But now all focus is on tennis again!
Hopefully I'll be seeing you all in Antwerp?
作者: huohuo (= =)   2011-02-09 14:21:00
http://0rz.tw/khGLK funny point #1http://0rz.tw/QqNut funny point #2http://0rz.tw/jTRep Kim說第一個親到Yanina的人可以得到一部車lol真是太瘋狂了XDD(Yanina嚇傻了...)

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