Mr. Irrelevant: Lonnie Ballentine, Free Safety
School: University of Memphis
Picked by Houston Texans at 256th overall pick
以下是洗板的流氓學校名單 φ($_$ )>
8 Alabama
Louisiana State
Notre Dame
7 Florida State
6 Ohio State
5 Baylor
North Carolina
以下是notable undrafted quarterbacks φ(>_< )>
Drew Allen, Syracuse
Clint Chelf, Oklahoma State
James Franklin, Missouri
Kenny Guiton, Ohio State
Brandon Kay, Cincinnati
Munchie Legaux, Cincinnati
Jordan Lynch, Northern Illinois
Andrew Maxwell, Michigan State
Stephen Morris, Miami(FL)
Casey Pachall, Texas Christian
Tanner Price, Wake Forest
Keith Price, Washington
Thomas Rees, Notre Dame
Bryn Renner, North Carolina
Chase Rettig, Boston College
Tyler Russell, Mississippi State
Nathan Scheelhaase, Illinois
Connor Shaw, South Carolina
Joe Southwick, Boise State
Cody Vaz, Oregon State
(Note: Taylor Martinez of Nebraska entered the draft as a running back)