[NFL!] Week 12 Results

作者: krajicek (回憶比真實精彩)   2016-11-29 12:32:50
This week's games
‧ Packers 27, Eagles 13
‧ Chiefs 30, Broncos 27 (OT)
‧ Panthers 32, Raiders 35
‧ Patriots 22, Jets 17
‧ Seahawks 5, Buccaneers 14
‧ 49ers 24, Dolphins 31
‧ Rams 21, Saints 49
‧ Cardinals 19, Falcons 38
‧ Bengals 14, Ravens 19
‧ Giants 27, Browns 13
‧ Chargers 21, Texans 13
‧ Jaguars 21, Bills 28
‧ Titans 27, Bears 21
‧ Steelers 28, Colts 7
‧ Redskins 26, Cowboys 31
‧ Vikings 13, Lions 16
作者: oplz (Socratic Machine Gun)   2016-11-29 12:55:00
灣區要換 Raiders 出臉了.. woodson 早退了一年 可惜
作者: mrkey (距離太遠 思念太近)   2016-11-29 13:42:00
下週最期待: 1-10 Niners at 2-9 Bears (誤)
作者: JackTheFob (芝加哥台客一號)   2016-11-29 14:25:00
作者: mayfirst0501 (チン)   2016-11-29 14:35:00
作者: iozz (我愛這裡!)   2016-11-29 23:56:00
作者: Sulstan (翼鵬)   2016-11-30 01:27:00
作者: sampsonlu919 (歡迎所有球隊教訓舊金山)   2016-11-30 01:28:00
作者: Sulstan (翼鵬)   2016-11-30 01:28:00
其中有一勝就是打敗Reining Super Bowl Champ Broncos
作者: sampsonlu919 (歡迎所有球隊教訓舊金山)   2016-11-30 01:32:00
不過SD依舊是今年票房的爐主 滿座率不到八成聯盟唯一主場售票率未達八成球隊
作者: robertfish   2016-11-30 01:38:00
作者: ronray7799 (百變Q葫蘆娃)   2016-11-30 04:11:00
Broncos也有Hater XD
作者: taidy (我家有個好動寶寶..^^)   2016-11-30 04:25:00
作者: Sulstan (翼鵬)   2016-11-30 07:05:00
I don't hate Broncos. Rather, I hate some fans ofBroncos!
作者: SJPower (美國常駐聯合國代表)   2016-11-30 08:10:00
Really? Did any Broncos fan shoot your ass or fuck you up before? As for me, I've never seen Broncos fansbeing arrogant.
作者: Sulstan (翼鵬)   2016-11-30 08:30:00
One of the diehard fans on ptt
作者: SJPower (美國常駐聯合國代表)   2016-11-30 08:33:00
Only one? Then it's ridiculous for you to use the term "some"And could you point out the one you are referring to?
作者: Sulstan (翼鵬)   2016-11-30 08:36:00
You are the one who are ridiculousHOW CAN YOU JUDGE MY PREFERENCEI use some to mask the culpritBut if you insist on knowing the person,the ID startswith G
作者: SJPower (美國常駐聯合國代表)   2016-11-30 08:44:00
Well.......then I've never heard of the one you are talking about since I just created my account lolWhat I wanted to emphasize was that if you had seen 10+ fans being salty and aggressive on PTT then you can use some to describeIt's all about the "amount"; your usage of some is unfair to other Broncos fans if no other Broncos fans are arrogant
作者: Sulstan (翼鵬)   2016-11-30 08:47:00
Yeah...Go get your Ph.D. in theoretical linguisticsAND WE CAN DISCUSS THIS ISSUE!
作者: SJPower (美國常駐聯合國代表)   2016-11-30 08:51:00
It's just that don't criticize other innocent Broncosfans; there is only one fan who is radical, right? That was what you mentioned earlier
作者: JackTheFob (芝加哥台客一號)   2016-11-30 09:46:00
我錯過了什麼嗎? (._.?)
作者: Sulstan (翼鵬)   2016-11-30 10:17:00
沒有。。。忙了一天頭腦燒壞了而已 哈

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