Phater (肥特)
2018-05-10 01:08:15名記者Peter GAmmon在The Athletic上發表了一篇有關於鈴木一朗的文章,其中提到一
One morning in spring training, 2017, he was in the coaches’ room looking at
his cell phone text messages. Ichiro told the coaches about one message he
had just received from a number he didn’t recognize. The guy said he’d
gotten Ichiro’s number from Alex Rodriguez, and that he wanted to come meet
him and study his stretching system.
在2017年的春訓,一朗在跟教練討論的時候突然有一個不認識的號碼傳簡訊給他. 發信人說
"What’s the guy’s name?” asked one of the coaches.
Ichiro strolled to the end of the text. “Some guy named Tom Brady. Who the f
— is Tom Brady?”
教練問一朗說是誰傳來的. 一朗回答是一個 "叫Tom Brady的人. 他媽的誰是Tom Brady?"