原文作者:Adam Schefter (Twitter @AdamSchefter) Titans and S Kevin Byard reached agreement on a 5-year, $70.5 million agreement that includes $31 million in guarantees, per source. 泰坦隊在幾小時前與明星安全衛(Safety,簡稱S)Kevin Byard達成了5年總價7050萬 美金的延長合約,其中有3100萬屬於保證支付金額。 Byard - who has the same agent (@DavidMulugheta) as Landon Collins and Earl Thomas, now is the highest paid safety in NFL history. Byard與Landon Collins(紅人)、Earl Thomas(烏鴉)–兩位在今年轉隊的球星,都把 經紀約簽給了David Mulugheta。不過Byard這回談約的成果,讓他超車了學長,成為 NFL史上平均薪資最高的安全衛。