oplz (Socratic Machine Gun)
2019-09-09 12:02:52According Mike Florio of ProFootballTalk on NBC Sports, "multiple" Dolphins
players contacted their agents seeking trades following Sunday's blowout loss
to Baltimore.
If Miami's tanking agenda wasn't obvious before, it sure was during Sunday's
59-10 defeat, a loss made more embarrassing by the fact it occurred on the
Dolphins' home turf. Apparently that was the final straw for a few unnamed
Dolphins, who reportedly want no part of what figures to be a lengthy rebuild
in South Beach. First-year coach Brian Flores is in for the long haul, but it
doesn't sound like everyone in the organization is quite on board with
Miami's painfully transparent tanking efforts. Unfortunately for the
Dolphins, their fans and all of our collective eye sockets, this team still
has 15 games of unwatchable football ahead of it.
坦得太明顯 球員都看不下去..
在今天慘敗給烏鴉後 消息指出很多球員已經聯絡經紀人 希望被交易離開海豚
Antonio Brown 表示: 歡迎來問 我有經驗