oberonz (Go Devils!)
2022-07-01 22:25:539個月前Big Ten commissioner Kevin Warren在BIG 10、PAC-12和ACC三個聯盟決定要一
"What we are hoping to achieve is to have three great conferences come
together to BRING SOME STABILITY TO COLLEGE ATHLETICS and to work together
from a scheduling standpoint — not just college football and men's
basketball but all of our Olympic sports," said Big Ten commissioner Kevin
Warren last October. "But even bigger than that, to bring awareness and some
collaboration to issues on social justice, mental health wellness and from an
academic standpoint. We're fortunate to come together, especially during a
summer like we had in college athletics."
9個月後BIG 10直接一刀刺進PAC-12的心臟。
時間拉回2010年聯盟大地震時,當時BIG 12為了保住神主牌Texas同意他們設立了自己專
屬的Longhorn Network。PAC-10在擴張成12校後分成了南北兩區,其中加州四校在LA的
覺到分區後利益受損,聯盟同意讓加州四校每年的Conf. games都會完整對戰到。
12年過後,Texas跟Oklahoma手牽手走向SEC,USC和UCLA自動把LA納入了BIG 10的中西部
場。在college football的世界裡今天站你隔壁的盟友可能明天就會往你要害捅上一刀。
在college football的世界讓利不會有人感激你,當你讓的利已經不夠他人胃口時也就是
College football從2字頭看到快4字頭,開始上班後熱情很在逐漸消失中也越來越少推發
次發文應該會是慶祝Herman Edwards被火吧 XD
※ 引述《LGNexus5 (LG Nexus 5)》之銘言:
: https://mobile.twitter.com/petethamel/status/1542578895655997441
: @PeteThamel
: Spoke to a few sources who called USC and UCLA's move to the Big Ten a formality
: , with a press conference expected in next 24 hours. Perhaps as soon as tonight.
: This is essentially done.
: 看起來木已成舟
: USC & UCLA 聯手決定離開各自已經加入百年左右的 Pac 去 B1G 淘金
: 洛杉磯到五大湖區這個飛行距離……
: PAC 12 剩下幾隊還有能力的也會逃吧
: 還是會拉 SDSU, Fresno State, SJSU 這些 Cal State 進來補位湊12校?