oplz (Socratic Machine Gun)
2023-03-29 09:10:27給有興趣瞭解 NFL 數據分析的朋友, 線上演講:
這是一系列科普演講中的一個題目, 四月十二 中午十二點到一點 美國中部時間
需要事先報名拿到 link.主辦單位是知名圖書館 The Linda Hall Library, 不是詐騙 :)
Modern Analytics Applications in the NFL
Analytics is a buzzword that gets thrown around willy-nilly in today's
data-driven world, but what does it actually mean when it comes to the
processes of NFL decision makers? In a complex game like football the
solutions to problems aren't as evident as they are in other sports.
Michael Renner, Lead Draft Analyst at Pro Football Focus, will break down how
smart teams are gaining small edges over their competition with data-based
decisions on numerous organizational levels.