課程名稱︰ 總體經濟學二
課程性質︰ 必修
課程教師︰ 梁明義
開課學院: 社會科學院
開課系所︰ 經濟系
考試日期(年月日)︰ 2014年6月16日
考試時限(分鐘): 9:25 ~ 11:40 (後來增加時間至12:05)
是否需發放獎勵金: 是
試題 :
(a)(9%) 說明中央銀行用來改變貨幣數量的 3 個 tools。為何中央銀行無法 control
the money supply "precisely"?
(b)(6%) 說明 Baumol 所提出的 theory of the demand for money。這個數學模型跟原
始的凱因斯 theory of the demand for money 比較起來,有什麼重要的「啟
(a)(5%) 說明「重貨幣學派 (monetarists)」的主要看法與「信息」。為何這套看法會
(b)(5%) Identiry and describe the five main types of lags that affect the
timeliness of monetary and fiscal policy。
(c)(5%) 什麼是 "The Great Moderation"?依 Gordon 看法,was the Fed
responsible for the Great Moderation?
(d)(5%) 說明 the Taylor rule 與 the "inflation targeting" rule。
3.(20%) M. Friedman 在「貨幣政策」("The Role of Monetary Policy") 與「消費含數
」 ("A Theory of the Consumption Function") 兩個不同領域的著作影響頗大
大,常被推崇為「第 4 個」影響最大的經濟學家。
(a)(5%) Friedman 所提出的這兩套不同的理論都用到 Adaptive Expectations (AE)。
試說明 AE 的觀念以及 AE 在這兩套理論中所扮演的角色。 R. Lucas 如何批
評 AE 而試著要提出怎樣「改良的」 expectation formulation?
(b)(5%) Friedman 提出 Permanent Income Hypothesis 是要針對凱因斯的「基本心理
(c)(5%) Suppose that Mary goes to work at age 23, earns on average $30,000 a
year for 42 years. She inherits $300,000 when she starts working. She
expects to live to be 83. Calculate on average how much Mary consumes
per year, the ratio of her annual consumption to annual income, and
her annual saving rate.
Now suppose Mary learns that she can expect to live to be 88. Compute
her new annual consumption, as well as the new ratio of annual
consumption to annual income, and her new annual saving rate.
(d)(5%) 美國的 personal saving rate fell from 1992 to 2005 and then rebounded
。試問 Gordon 覺得怎樣的理論可解釋這個現象?
(a)(5%) 說明 the Acceleration Hypothesis of Investment Behavior。為何稱之
(b)(5%) What are the three tools of fiscal policy that can be used to
influence the level of investment? What are the limitations to using
tax incentives as a tool of activist fiscal policy?
(c)(5%) According to the theory first presented in Chapter 3 and developed
further in Chapter 16, the interest rate and investment are
negatively related. Yet both business investment and interest rates
tend to fluctuate procyclically, that is, are at their highest levels
when the economy is at a high output level. Can you explain the
(a)(5%) In what ways are the Friedman-Phelps "fooling" model and the Lucas
model similar? In what ways do they differ?
Explain why critis of the Friedman-Phelps and Lucas models argue that
those models fail to provide a satisfactory explanation of business
(b)(5%) In what ways are the origianl Keynesian model and the new Keynesian
model similar? In what ways do they differ?
(c)(5%) 說明 Gordon 對 RBC model 的 assessment。
(a)(8%) 「外在環境資源」、「傳統文化」與「歷史變動」等因素塑造出台灣總體經濟
(b)(7%) 您覺得中國大陸也具有這些「特徵」的程度如何?從這些「特徵」的角度試分
析中國大陸受到 2008 金融風暴的影響。