CFSu (阿飛)
2014-11-11 19:22:44課程名稱︰個體經濟學一
試題 :
1.The following statement is quoted from 新唐人亞太新聞, 2014/10/19:
(a)(1 point)Supposed the milk price is not under government regulation, how should recent events in Taiwan impact on the equilibrium prices of milk not produced by 味全? Please analyze it in a graph.
(b)(2 points)Consider milk not produced by 味全. Please compare its quantity demanded and quatity supplied under government regulation as stated above. Do you support 農委會's statement, and why?
2.A consumes only two commodities: x and y. His utility function is: u(x,y)=x*y^2.
(a)(1 point) Please calculate the MRS and express it as a function of (x,y).
(b)The price of x, px, is$1, the price of y, py, is $2, and A's income, I, is $12.
i.(1 point)Please prove that A's optimal consumption must be an interior solution .
ii.(1 point)Solve for A's optimal consumption bundle.(You could assume it to be an interior solution, even if you fail to provide a proof in the previous problem.)
iii.(2 points)Please derive A's demand function of commodity x, x(px), when py and I remain constant.
iv.(2 points)Suppose px increases from $1 to $2, while py and I remain the same. Please calculate the substition effect, (dx, dy), due to this change.
3.(1 point)(四年前頂新集團旗下康師傅回台發行TDR...), which English words does TDR stand for?