Qdream (里長)
2015-01-27 19:44:59課程名稱︰英語語音學一
試題 :
Introduction to Phonetics Final Exam Fall 2013
I. Give complete but concise answers to the following questions.
1. Explain this statement:“Part of the problem in describing vowels is that
there are no distinct boundaries between one type of vowel and another.”
(Ladefoged/Johnson p.87) (8%)
2. a. Define phonetic assimilation. (4%)
b. Give two examples of assimilation in English. Note for each whether
it is anticipatory or perseverative assimilation. (4%)
3. What is the problem of teaching and learning only the citation form in the
classroom? (6%)
4. Describe two strategies employed in spoken English to avoid having two
stressed syllables too close together. (8%)
5. Explain Ladefoged’s view on degrees of lexical stress in English,
mentioning the two factors Ladefoged says contribute to the perceived
prominence of a vowel or syllable that are not due to lexical stress. (10%)
6. Describe “stress timing” (as said to be found in English) as opposed to
“syllable timing” (as in French). (8%)
7. Define the following three terms:
a. intonational phrase (3%)
b. tonic-stressed syllable (3%)
c. downdrift (3%)
8. How can a knowledge of phonetics be useful to us in our everyday lives,
and in language learning and teaching? (10%)
P.S. 這題我當初寫三個答案就拿到10分,請自行斟酌。
II. IPA Symbols: Fill in the consonant and vowel charts below, placing each
IPA symbol in its correct spot. For the consonant, remember to take into
account whether it is voiced or voiceless.
P.S. 正式考題會有IPA的子音表及母音表格,就按照音的位置填上去。
選項: http://imgur.com/tX6X9fL,JYm6U6E
III.Waveform segmentation and reading. Look carefully at the waveform below
of a recording of an English syllable with the three segment [æ], [m],
and [ʃ] (they are not necessarily in the correct order).
附圖:http://imgur.com/tX6X9fL,JYm6U6E#1 (我這題全錯,畫的界線是不對的)
1. Task one: Segment the waveform, that is, draw vertical lines marking the
beginning and end of each of the three segments. (6%)
2. Task Two: Using the three segments given above, write the symbol for the
correct sound under the correct part of the waveform. (9%)
IV. Compound and phrase stress. (100%)
1. table tennis ball
2. a very discerning consumer
3. live toys
4. couch-potato reaction
5. five different background screens
6. forthcoming version
7. competitive video gaming
8. fancy restaurants
9. unwanted computer equipment
10.local electronics recycling programs
V. Dictation (100%)