試題 :
1. Betty's Bakery bakes fresh bread every morning. Any bread not sold by the
end of the day is thrown away. A loaf of bread costs Betty $2.00 to produce,
and she prices loaves of bread at $3.50 per loaf. Suppose near the end of
one day Betty still has 12 loaves of bread on hand. Which of the following
is correct?
(a) Betty should only sell the remaining bread for $3.50 per loaf since that
is the regular price.
(b) Betty should only sell the remaining bread for $2.00 per loaf or more
since that is what the bread costs to make.
(c) Betty should be willing to sell the remaining bread for any price above
$0 per loaf since she will have to throw it away if she does not sell it
for something.
(d) Betty should just throw the bread away and change the price of her bread
starting tomorrow to make sure she sells all of her bread each day.
2. Suppose an economy produces two goods, food and machines. This economy
always operates on its production possibilities frontier. Last year, it
produced 1000 units of food and 47 machines. This year it experienced a
technological advance in its machine-making industry. As a result, this year
the society wants to produce 1050 units of food and 47 machines. Which of
the following statements is correct?
(a) Because the technological advance occurred in the machine-making
industry, it will not be possible to increase food production without
reducing machine production below 47.
(b) Because the technological advance occurred in the machine-making
industry, increases in output can only occur in the machine industry.
(c) In order to increase food production in these circumstances without
reducing machine production, the economy must reduce inefficiencies.
(d) The technological advance reduced the amount of resources needed to
produce 47 machines, so these resources could be used to produce more
3. In the early 19th century, the Russian government sent doctors to southern
Russian villages to provide assistance during a cholera epidemic. The
villagers noticed that wherever doctors appeared, people died. Therefore,
many doctors were chased away from villages, and some were even killed. This
reaction to the correlation between doctors and deaths is most likely a
problem of
(a) omitted variables.
(b) reverse causality.
(c) government propaganda.
(d) medical incompetence.
4. Canada and the U.S. both produce wheat and computer software. Canada is said
to have the comparative advantage in producing wheat if
(a) Canada requires fewer resources than the U.S. to produce a bushel of
(b) the opportunity cost of producing a bushel of wheat is lower for Canada
than it is for the U.S.
(c) the opportunity cost of producing a bushel of wheat is lower for the
U.S. than it is for Canada.
(d) the U.S. has an absolute advantage over Canada in producing computer
5. Suppose an increase in the price of rubber coincides with an advance in the
technology of tire production. As a result of these two events, the demand
for tires
(a) decreases, and the supply of tires increases.
(b) is unaffected, and the supply of tires decreases.
(c) is unaffected, and the supply of tires increases.
(d) None of the above is necessarily correct.
6. Pens are normal goods. What will happen to the equilibrium price of pens if
the price of pencils rises, consumers experience an increase in income,
writing in ink becomes fashionable, people expect the price of pens to rise
in the near future, the population increases, fewer firms manufacture pens,
and the wages of pen-makers increase?
(a) Price will rise.
(b) Price will fall.
(c) Price will stay exactly the same.
(d) The price change will be ambiguous.
7. For a particular good, a 2 percent increase in price causes a 12 percent
decrease in quantity demanded. Which of the following statements is most
likely applicable to this good?
(a) There are no close substitutes for this good.
(b) The good is a luxury.
(c) The market for the good is broadly defined.
(d) The relevant time horizon is short.
8. Suppose that when the price of wheat is $2 per bushel, farmers can sell 10
million bushels. When the price of wheat is $3 per bushel, farmers can sell
8 million bushels. Which of the following statements is true? The demand for
wheat is
(a) income inelastic, so an increase in the price of wheat will increase the
total revenue of wheat farmers.
(b) income elastic, so an increase in the price of wheat will increase the
total revenue of wheat farmers.
(c) price inelastic, so an increase in the price of wheat will increase the
total revenue of wheat farmers.
(d) price elastic, so an increase in the price of wheat will increase the
total revenue of wheat farmers.
9. Suppose there is currently a tax of $50 per ticket on airline tickets.
Sellers of airline tickets are required to pay the tax to the government. If
the tax is reduced from $50 per ticket to $30 per ticket, then the
(a) demand curve will shift upward by $20, and the price paid by buyers will
decrease by less than $20.
(b) demand curve will shift upward by $20, and the price paid by buyers will
decrease by $20.
(c) supply curve will shift downward by $20, and the effective price
received by sellers will increase by less than $20.
(d) supply curve will shift downward by $20, and the effective price
received by sellers will increase by $20.
10.If the government removes a binding price floor from a market, then the
price received by sellers will
(a) decrease, and the quantity sold in the market will decrease.
(b) decrease, and the quantity sold in the market will increase.
(c) increase, and the quantity sold in the market will decrease.
(d) increase, and the quantity sold in the market will increase.
11.Steak and chicken are substitutes. A sharp reduction in the supply of steak
(a) increase consumer surplus in the market for steak and decrease producer
surplus in the market for chicken.
(b) increase consumer surplus in the market for steak and increase producer
surplus in the market for chicken.
(c) decrease consumer surplus in the market for steak and increase producer
surplus in the market for chicken.
(d) decrease consumer surplus in the market for steak and decrease producer
surplus in the market for chicken.
12.Kate is a personal trainer whose client William pays $80 per hour-long
session. William values this service at $100 per hour, while the opportunity
cost of Kates time is $75 per hour. The government places a tax of $10 per
hour on personal trainers. After the tax, what is likely to happen in the
market for personal training?
(a) Kate andWilliam will agree to a new price somewhere between $85 and $100.
(b) Kate andWilliam will agree to a new price somewhere between $70 and $110.
(c) Kate will no longer offer personal training services to William because
she must charge more than $100 in order to cover her opportunity costs
and pay the tax.
(d) The price will remain at $80, and Kate will pay the $10 tax.
13.Suppose a country begins to allow international trade in steel. Which of
the following outcomes will be observed regardless of whether the country
finds itself importing steel or exporting steel?
(a) The sum of consumer surplus and producer surplus for domestic traders of
steel increases.
(b) The quantity of steel demanded by domestic consumers increases.
(c) Domestic producers of steel receive a higher price for steel.
(d) The losses of the losers exceed the gains of the winners.
14.The before-trade price of fish in Denmark is $10.00 per pound. The world
price of fish is $6.00 per pound. Denmark is a price-taker in the fish
market. If Denmark begins to allow trade in fish, its consumers of fish will
(a) better off, its producers of fish will become better off, and on balance
the citizens of Denmark will become better off.
(b) worse off, its producers of fish will become better off, and on balance
the citizens of Denmark will become worse off.
(c) worse off, its producers of fish will become better off, and on balance
the citizens of Denmark will become worse off.
(d) better off, its producers of fish will become worse off, and on balance
the citizens of Denmark will become better off.
15.Suppose that Charles wants to dine at a fancy restaurant, but the only
available table is in the smoking section. Charles dislikes the smell of
cigarette smoke. He notices that only one person, Sam, is smoking in the
smoking section. Charles values the absence of smoke at $40. Sam values the
ability to smoke in the restaurant at $15. Which of the following represents
an efficient solution in the absence of transaction costs?
(a) Sam continues to smoke because he has a right to smoke in the smoking
(b) Charles offers Sam between $15 and $40 not to smoke. Sam accepts, and
both parties are better off.
(c) Charles offers Sam between $15 and $40 not to smoke. Sam declines
because he has a right to smoke in the smoking section.
(d) Only a government policy banning smoking in restaurants will solve this
1. (15%) 請簡要回答以下問題。
(a) (5%) 為什麼生產可能曲線會凹向原點,請解釋並試舉一例。又何時生產可能曲線
(b) (5%) 請由供給面和需求面分別說明,為什麼近年來世界各國等候器官移植的人越
(c) (5%) 勞退新制實施後規定雇主每月需額外提撥薪資的 6% 做為員工的退休金,這
水平均也下降 6%,請問勞動市場中雇主和員工誰的價格彈性較大?
2. (10%) 台大的牛奶在目前的價格下供不應求,牛奶到貨前總是現大批排隊人潮,還引
起不少紛爭。台大農產品中心為了消弭此一現象,想了兩種解決方式:(1) 在目前價格
之下,想買的人抽籤決定誰能買到; (2) 調高售價至供需均衡。
(a) (5%) 試以圖形分析這兩種方式之下的生產者剩餘消費者剩餘和總剩餘,並分析哪
(b) (2%) 現行排隊的制度之下,誰較可能買到牛奶?
(c) (3%) 根據 2014 年 10 月 31 日聯合晚報,題為「搶台大鮮乳 學生、民眾互嗆」
會是「有效率」的分配方法? 為什麼會有人主張「敬老尊賢」法?
3. (15%) 台南一中共有 2500 名學生,學校規定每位學生至少要買件制服。假設南一中制
服跟其他學校制服是完全不同的商品,在制服價格大於$100 時南一中學生不會想多買
幾件備用,制服的供給曲線為 Q = 10P。
(a) (5%) 南一中制服的均衡價格與均衡數量為何? 請計算並畫圖表示巿場供需情形。
(b) (5%) 承(a),此時政府若對學生補貼每件制服$50元,新的供需均衡為何?
Deadweight Loss 為多少? 請計算並畫圖說明。
(c) (5%) 承(a),若此時有校友熱心捐獻 5 件免費制服,請問新的均衡為何? 制服供
應商供應了幾件制服? 制服供應商的生產者剩餘有什麼變化? 請計算並畫圖說明。
4. (15%) 某熱門課程深受學生歡迎,初選有 300 人選上。不過,開學後由大型敎室難覓
,該課程修課人數必須減少為 150 人。假設學生可以分為三類,每類型學生各有 100
人。 A 類學生非常想修這門課,只願接受至少 $3000 的代價後退選,我們稱 $3000
為其「願退價格」。B, C 兩類學生的願退價格則分別為 $1000 和 $100。
(a) (4%) 由「效率」的角度來看,這三類學生「應該」各有多少人退選? 此時這門課
(b) (4%) 由於個別學生的「願退價格」只有學生自己知道,且多數學生認為選課是學
(c) (4%) 承(b),假設未被抽中退選的學生可以取得一張「可轉賣的授權碼」,學生重
新上網憑授權碼選課,並假設三類學生恰好都有 50 人抽中取得授權碼。請問,此
時誰會賣出授權碼? 誰會買入授權碼? 交易價格為何? 這門課創造出來的總價值為
(d) (3%) 現行制度以年級決定選課順位,髙年級的順位較高。請問只有當學生所屬類