試題 :
一、選擇題 (45%):不需說明,寫出正確答案即可。
1. George has spent $600 purchasing and repairing an old fishing boat, which he
expects to sell for $900 once the repairs are complete. George discovers
that, in addition to the $600 he has already spent, he needs to make an
additional repair, which will cost another $400, in order to make the boat
worth $900 to potential buyers. He can sell the boat as it is now for $400.
What should he do?
(a) He should sell the boat as it is now for $400.
(b) He should keep the boat since it would not be rational to spend $1,000
on repairs and then sell the boat for $900.
(c) He should complete the repairs and sell the boat for $900.
(d) It does not matter which action he takes; the outcome is the same either
2. In the former Soviet Union, producers were paid for meeting output targets,
not for selling products. Under those circumstances, what were the economic
incentives for producers?
(a) to produce good quality products so that society would benefit from the
resources used
(b) to conserve on costs, so as to maintain efficiency in the economy
(c) to produce enough to meet the output target, without regard for quality
or cost
(d) to produce those products that society desires most
3. Which of the following transactions does not take place in the markets for
the factors of production in the circular-flow diagram?
(a) Jason provides plumbing services for a plumbing company and receives an
hourly wage from the company for his services.
(b) Jennifer works as a marriage counselor and her clients pay her on a per-
hour basis for her services.
(c) Brody owns several shopping malls and receives rent payments from the
companies that operate those malls.
(d) Bree sells advertising for a newspaper and receives a commission from
the newspaper company for each advertisement that she sells.
4. Suppose that a worker in Cornland can grow either 40 bushels of corn or 10
bushels of oats per year, and a worker in Oatland can grow either 20 bushels
of corn or 5 bushels of oats per year. There are 20 workers in Cornland and
20 workers in Oatland. Which of the following statement is true?
(a) Neither country could gain from trade with each other because neither
one has a comparative advantage.
(b) Both countries could gain from trade with each other.
(c) Neither country could gain from trade with each other because Cornland
has an absolute advantage in both goods.
(d) Oatland could gain from trade between the two countries, but Cornland
definitely would lose.
5. What will happen to the equilibrium price and quantity of new cars if the
price of gasoline rises, the price of steel rises, public transportation
becomes cheaper and more comfortable, and auto-workers negotiate higher
(a) Quantity will rise, and the effect on price is ambiguous.
(b) Quantity will fall, and the effect on price is ambiguous.
(c) Price will fall, and the effect on quantity is ambiguous.
(d) Price will rise, and the effect on quantity is ambiguous.
6. Suppose the government has imposed a price ceiling on laptop computers.
Which of the following events could transform the price ceiling from one
that is not binding into one that is binding?
(a) Improvements in production technology reduce the costs of producing
laptop computers.
(b) The number of firms selling laptop computers decreases.
(c) Consumers' imcome decreases, and laptop computers are a normal good.
(d) The number of consumers buying laptop computers decreases.
7. Suppose there is currently a tax of $50 per ticket on airline tickets.
Sellers of airline tickets are required to pay the tax to the government. If
the tax is reduced from $50 per ticket to $30 per ticket, then the
(a) demand curve will shift upward by $20, and the price paid by buyers will
decrease by less than $20.
(b) demand curve will shift upward by $20, and the price paid by buyers will
decrease by $20.
(c) supply curve will shift downward by $20, and the effective price
received by sellers will increase by less than $20.
(d) supply curve will shift downward by $20, and the effective price
received by sellers will increase by $20.
8. How is the burden of a tax divided?
(ⅰ) When the tax is levied on the sellers, the sellers bear a higher
proportion of the tax burden.
(ⅱ) When the tax is levied on the buyers, the buyers bear a higher
proportion of the tax burden.
(ⅲ) Regardless of whether the tax is levied on the buyers or the sellers,
the buyers and sellers bear an equal proportion of the tax burden.
(ⅳ) Regardless of whether the tax is levied on the buyers or the sellers,
the buyers and sellers bear some proportion of the tax burden.
(a) (ⅰ) and (ⅱ) only
(b) (ⅳ) only
(c) (ⅰ), (ⅱ), and (ⅲ) only
(d) (ⅰ), (ⅱ), and (ⅳ) only
9. Suppose that the equilibrium price in the market for widgets is $5. If a law
increased the minimum legal price for widgets to $6,
(a) the resulting increase in consumer surplus would be larger than any
possible loss of producer surplus.
(b) the resulting increase in consumer surplus would be smaller than any
possible loss of producer surplus.
(c) any possible increase in producer surplus would be larger than the loss
of consumer surplus.
(d) any possible increase in producer surplus would be smaller than the loss
of consumer surplus.
10. At present, the maximum legal price for a human kidney is $0. The price of
$0 maximizes
(a) consumer surplus but not producer surplus.
(b) producer surplus but not consumer surplus.
(c) both consumer and producer surplus.
(d) neither consumer nor producer surplus.
11. Economists tend to see ticket scalping as
(a) a way for a few to profit without producing anything of value.
(b) an inequitable interference in the orderly process of ticket
(c) a way of increasing the efficiency of ticket distribution.
(d) an unproductive activity which should be made illegal everywhere.
12. Suppose a tax of $3 per unit is imposed on a good. The supply curve is a
typical upward-sloping straight line, and the demand curve is a typical
downward-sloping straight line. The tax decreases consumer surplus by $3,900
and decreases producer surplus by $3,000. The tax generates tax revenue of
$6,000. The tax decreased the equilibrium quantity of the good from
(a) 2,000 to 1,500.
(b) 2.400 to 2,000.
(c) 2,600 to 2,000.
(d) 3,000 to 2,400.
13. When a country allows trade and becomes an exporter of a good,
(a) the gains of the domestic producers of the good exceed the losses of the
domestic consumers of the good.
(b) the gains of the domestic consumers of the good exceed the losses of the
domestic producers of the good.
(c) the losses of the domestic producers of the good exceed the gains of the
domestic consumers of the good.
(d) the lossed of the domestic consumers of the good exceed the gains of the
domestic producers of the good.
14. At present, the United States uses a system of quotas to limit the amount of
sugar imported into the country. Which of the following statements is most
likely true?
(a) The quotas are probably the result of lobbying from U.S. consumers of
sugars. The quotas increase consumer surplus for the United States,
reduce producer surplus for the United States, and harm foreign sugar
(b) The quotas are probably the result of lobbying from U.S. producers of
sugars. The quotas increase producer surplus for the United States,
reduce consumer surplus for the United States, and harm foreign sugar
(c) The quotas are probably the result of lobbying from foreign producers of
sugar. The quotas reduce producer surplus for the United States,
increase consumer surplus for the United States, and benefit foreign
sugar producers.
(d) U.S. lawmakers did not need to be lobbied to impose the quotas because
total surplus for the United States is higher with the quotas than
without them.
15. Suppose that Charles wants to dine at a fancy restaurant, but the only
available table is in the smoking section. Charles dislikes the smell of
cigarette smoke. He notices that only one person, Sam, is smoking in the
smoking secion. Charles values the absence of smoke at $40. Sam value the
ability to smoke in the restaurant at $15. Which of the following represents
an efficient solution in the absence of transaction costs?
(a) Sam continues to smoke because he has a right to smoke in the smoking
(b) Charles offers Sam between $15 and $40 not to smoke. Sam accepts, and
both parties are better off.
(c) Charles offers Sam between $15 and $40 not to smoke. Sam declines
because he has a right to smoke in the smoking section.
(d) Only a government policy banning smoking in restaurants will solve this
二、非選擇題 (55%):答題時請適當說明你的想法,答案內容以讓閱卷者瞭解為原則。
1. (20%) Suppose the market for NTU milk has two type of demands: student and
a-beh. The demand and supply function can be described as
Student: P = 60 - q,
A-beh: P = 80 - q,
Supply: P = 2Q + 15,
(a) (4%) What is the market demand?
(b) (4%) What is the equilibrium price and quantity?
(c) (3%) What is the consumer surplus, producer surplus, and total welfare?
(d) (3%) Now suppose the government imposes a tax of $10 per bottle to
producer. What will the new equilibrium be?
(e) (3%) What is the consumer surplus, producer surplus, and total welfare
after tax?
(f) (3%) Calculate the deadweight loss.
2. (15%) 番薯島上的香菸市場供給為 Q = 5P,需求為 Q = 1200 - P。消費者每消費1
單位的香菸,預計會對所有島民造成 $60 的二手菸汙染。
(a) (5%) 若番薯島政府不做任何管制,香菸的均衡價格和均衡數量是多少?
(b) (5%) 已知負的外部性會使市場均衡數量超過社會最適數量。如果番薯到政府想要
透過對消費者課稅以達到社會最適,對每單位香菸課徵 $60 的從量稅,稅後的均
(c) (5%) 若番薯島政府認為島民有不被二手菸汙染的權利,吸菸者需先支付島民多少
3. (20%) 簡答與計算。
(a) (5%) 請簡單敘述 Coase 定理。
(b) (5%) 請敘述何謂劣等財 (Inferior Goods)?其所得彈性的範圍應為何?
(c) (5%) 人們觀察到警察比較多的地區犯罪率高,因此下了「警察會引起犯罪」的結
(d) (5%) 今觀察到一消費者,在商品價格為 8 元時會購買 5 個,而當商品漲價到 12
元時會購買 4 個。請問此消費者的需求彈性為多少?請以弧彈性 (中點彈性) 計