[試題] 104-1 史嘉琳 英語語音學一 期末考

作者: rogerliu84 (丁丁是個人才)   2016-02-22 22:30:11
考試時限(分鐘):約 2 小時
試題 :
Introduction to Phonetics Final Exam Fall 2015 January 13, 2016
I. Give complete but concise answers to the following questions. Write your
answers on the separate answer sheet.
1. Explain why there is a reduced vowel (i.e. schwa) in the final syllabic of
postman, bacon, and gentleman, but NOT in mailman, moron and superman
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(Ladefoged/Johnson p. 116). (6%)
2. Explain downdrift (or downstepping or declination; we view them as near-
﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉ ﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉ ﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉
synonyms here). (4%)
3. What is the connection between the continuation rise and tonic stress?
﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉ ﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉﹉
Describe the shape of the continuation rise in relation to tonic stress.(6%)
4. Explain Ladefoged's view on degrees of lexical stress in English, mentioning
the two factors Ladefoged says contribute to the perceived prominence of a
vowel or syllable that are not due to lexical stress. (10%)
5. Describe two strategies employed in spoken English to avoid having two
stressed syllables too close together. (8%)
6. Describe "stress timing" (as said to be found in English) as opposed to
"syllable timing" (as in French)? (8%)
7. Many Taiwanese have difficulty distinguishing and/or correctly producing the
English vowels /ɛ/, /æ/, and /eɪ/. Analyze what you think the problem is,
based on both your current knowledge of phonetics and of your understanding
of the issue as a Mandarin speaker who has come through the Taiwanese
education system. (10%) [註:三個phoneme分別是短e、短a和雙母音長a]
8. Longer essay question: What are the connections between information value
and pronunciation, stress and intonation in English? List and discuss at
least three examples. (15%)
[註:比起第8.題,也有同學認為第7.題更像essay question XD]
II. IPA symbols: Fill in the consonant and vowel charts below, placing each IPA
symbol in its correct spot. For the consonants, remember to take into
account whether it is voiced or voiceless.
Consonants: [同 102-1 考古題;包含英語和國語的子音音標共24個] (12%)
Vowels: [同 102-1 考古題,共12個] (6%)
III. Waveform segmentation and reading. Look carefully at the waveform below of
a recording of an English syllable with the three segments [æ], [m], and
[ʃ] (they are not necessarily in the correct order).
1. Task one: Segment the wavefrom, that is, draw vertical lines marking the
beginning and the end of each of the three segments. (6%)
2. Task two: Using the three segments given above, write the symbol for the
correct sound under the correct part of the waveform. (9%)
[圖,同 102-1 考古題]
IV. Compound and phrase stress. Circle the stressed syllable(s) in each item,
and add an asterisk before the syllable with tonic stress. Examples: [略]
1. table tennis ball 6. imaginative play
2. cardboard boxes 7. pleasure reading
3. fast-food model 8. cleansing gel
4. local electronics recycling programs 9. lip service
5. brain plasticity 10. a changing planet
V. Dictation: Write down the words you hear, first in English orthography,
then in IPA symbols. (100%)
VI. Pronunciation discrimination: For each of the following items you will hear
one word of the set pronounced. Circle the one you hear. (100%)

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