zsyuan (雷雷)
2018-05-03 23:41:28課程名稱︰細胞生物學
試題 :
01. Why is RNA thought to have arisen on Earth prior to proteins and DNA?(8pts)
02. Please list the functional roles of 4 major macromolecules in building
a cell. (8pts)
03. According to the "central dogma" of molecular biology, information flows
from DNA to RNA to proein. In its original version the dogma stated that
information did not flow in the reverse direction. To what extent is this
true? (6pts) (hint: Reverse transcriptase)
04. In the perspective of chemistry, please describe why the hydrolysis of ATP
enables driving biochemical reactions. (6pts)
05. What is the Warburg effect? (4pts)
06. What is the advantage to use two/multi-photos microscopy compared to
classical confocal microscopy? (6pts)
07. Discuss the expected phenotypic consequences of a mutation in Ran GAP that
reduces the affinity of the Ran GAP for cytoplasmic filaments of the nuclear
pore. (8pts)
08. A frequent mode of regulation for transcription factors is regulation of
nuclear localization, such that only upon stimulation is the transcripion
factor transported into the nucleus where it can activate its target genes.
For a transcription factor that has a nuclear localization signal(NLS), can
you think of two mechanisms for how regulated transport could occur? (6pts)
09. You are studying a mutant that you know is impaired in secretion, but you
do not know the exact nature of the defect. You examine the sugar content of
some of the proteins you know to be N