考試時限(分鐘):110 (10:20~12:10)
試題 :
1. Name the following compounds according to IUPAC rules: (5%)
(a) FePO4 (b) HNO2 (c) Mg3N2 (d) NaH (e) Pb(OH)4
2. Write the formula for each of the following compounds: (5%)
(a) Sulfurous acid (b) Ferrous bromide (c) Potassium hypochlorite
(d) Calcium peroxide (e) Nitric oxide
3. Use the model of kinetic molecular theory of ideal gas to qualitatively
explain Dalton's law of partial pressure. (5%)
4. Calculate [OH-] in a 2.0x10-7 M solution of Ca(OH)2. (5%)
5. The following table lists values of the van der Waals constants for two
common gasses:
│ Gas │ a │ b │
│ CH4 │ 2.25 │ 0.0428 │
│ H2O │ 5.46 │ 0.0305 │
(a) Suggest a reason to explain that the a-value of water is much larger
than that of methane (CH4) (5%)
(b) Suggest a reason to explain that the b-value is larger for methane.
6. Balance the following equation by the half-reaction method. (Show the two
half-reactions) (10%)
(a) NO + O2 ─→ NO2
(b) Fe(CN)6 4- + Ce4+ ───→ Ce(OH)3 + Fe(OH)3 + CO3 2- + NO3-
7. The dissociation constants for phosphoric acid are Ka1 = 7.5 e-3,
Ka2 = 6.2 e-8, Ka3 = 4.8 e-13.
Calculate [H+] of a solution of NaH2PO4. (10%)
8. Calculate the fraction of CO3 2- in solution of carbonic acid with pH=10.
(For carbonic acid, Ka1 = 4.3 e-7, Ka2 = 4.8 e-11) (10%)
9. Arsenic acid (H3AsO4) is a triprotic acid with Ka1 = 5.5 e-3, Ka2 = 1.7 e-7
, and Ka3 = 5.1 e-12.
Calculate [H+], [H3AsO4], [H2AsO4-], [HAsO4 2-], and [AsO4 3-] in a 0.20M
arsenic acid solution. (10%)
10. (a) Calculate the proton concentration of a mixture of 0.500 M HF, 0.600 M
HNO2 and 0.600 M formic acid (HCOOH). (KaHF = 7.2 e-4,
KaHNO2 = 4.0 e-4, KaHCOOH = 1.8 e-4) (7%)
(b) What is the percent dissociation of HF? (3%)
11. Calculate [H+] of 4.0 e-4 M NaF. (For HF, Ka = 7.2 e-4) (10%)
12. A certain organic compound exhibits the following mass spectrum. (10%)
(a) Propose a reasonable structure for this compound.
(b) What is the fragment m/z=15 most likely derived from.
(c) In fact there is a very small mass peak at m/z=97. How do you explain
the presence of this small peak?