試題 :
Q1. Suppose that the world is deterministic, just as Tom Cruise is, let’s
suppose, determined to kill the innocent guy in the movie, do you think we
(or Tom Cruise) can still have free will in any sense? If we do, how can
Frankfurt’s theory help explain this? If we don’t, how can van Inwagen’s
theory help explain this?
Q2. Friend’s Wedding: Your best friend is about to get married with a woman
he has loved so much. The ceremony will be performed in one hour, but you
have seen, just before coming to the wedding, that your friend’s fiancée
has been having an affair. Your friend’s fiancée regrets so much that she
swears to you she will never cheat again. If your friend marries this woman,
she is unlikely to cheat again, but on the other hand, if you tell your
friend about the affair, you will ruin his wedding. Would you, or would you
not, tell your friend of the affair?? (Source: David Hopkins)
(1) What would act-utilitarianism urge us to do? Explain why. (2) What would
Kant’s theory urge us to do? Explain why. (3) What is the categorical
imperative in this case? (4) What is your own preference? Why?