因為活動是9點開始 所以我們就約8:30在捷運葫洲站集合
然後坐計程車過去:P 每人大約分擔20~25元
我看過氣象 說那天約14~18度 大家剛好可以穿一件長袖在裡面
如果不願意擔計程車的 反正就是約8:50抵達147漆彈主題樂園門口
This is the place we'll go for playing the paintball on Sunday morning.
The activity will begin at 9:00,
so everybody please assemble in the "Huzhou MRT Station" at 8:30.
And then, we'll get there by taxi. (about $25 per person)
Sunday may be a little cold, (and if you don't want the paint ball hurt you)
I suggest everybody to wear a sweatshirt inside.
If you don't want to get there with us, you can just arrive there at 8:50.
If you have any questions, please tell me, thanks.