[徵求] 徵求外國人參與付費中文實驗(1.5hr$480)

作者: ccysep5th (ccysep5th)   2017-07-26 16:49:21
台北車站對面的K書中心,需要「學過中文兩年以上」的 英語 OR 韓語母語人士,
[Paid experiment in Taipei] Looking for English or Korean native speakers who
know Mandarin
Hi everyone, I am a PhD student in Linguistics at the University of Illinois,
USA. I am looking for English or Korean native speakers who learned Mandarin
over 2 years in my experiment (1.5 hour for NTD$480 or USD$15). Please see the
link for details <https://chung-yu-chen.youcanbook.me/>. You can sign up
using the link. Please feel free to share. Thank you!
Chung-yu Chen
[email protected]/*
作者: tom282f3 (學妹戰士)   2017-07-26 18:10:00
So where is your NTU point?

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