akaiya (red)
2020-03-23 13:47:24【本校緊急防疫通知~中研院南港院區新冠病毒群聚感染事件因應措施】
COVID-19 Response Update – NTU’s Measures in Response to Confirmed Cases in
Academia Sinica (Nangang)
1. 請本校教職員工生暫勿前往中 院院區;暫停與中研院間之實體交流與參訪。實體教
2. 過去兩週(3月8日至3月22日)有到過中研院南港院區的教職員工生,請以最後一次接
3. 本校與中研院間交通車亦於前述期間停駛。
Starting today (March 23) for two weeks, NTU is taking the following measures
in response to the cluster of COVID-19 cases in Academia Sinica (Nangagn):
1. NTU students and colleagues should not visit Academia Sinica, and all physi
cal exchanges and visits between NTU and Academia Sinica are suspended. Physic
al teaching and learning activities, including classes taught by joint-appoint
ment or adjunct faculty or by instructors from Academia Sinica, will move to d
istance learning in the following two weeks. However, faculty members and rese
archers based in NTU campus who have not been to Academia Sinica in the past t
wo weeks are not subject to this required move to distance learning.
2. NTU students and colleagues who have been to Academia Sinica in Nangang Dis
trict in the past two weeks (March 8-22), should implement a two-week self-hea
lth management at home (starting the day following the last contact date) and
avoid coming to the campus. Please voluntarily contact the contact person in p
andemic of your department/institute/office, and wait for further notice about
leave policy from the Personnel Department.
3. Shuttle bus service between NTU and Academia Sinica is also suspended durin
g this period.