【本校自4月8日起上課配戴口罩 並請提高對自身健康狀況的警覺】
Please wear a surgical mask in class starting April 8 and stay highly alert about your own health status.
依本校4月5日全校信通知,連假結束返校14天內,務必提高對自身健康狀況的警覺。如發現身體不適,請即配戴口罩立即就醫,並通報您單位的防疫聯絡人。補充說明,就醫時,如接受新冠肺炎病毒採檢後返家,應「自主健康管理」至最後一次接觸日或發病日後14 天,期間不得到校上班上課。
Starting April 8, both faculty members and students at NTU are required to wear a surgical mask during class in classrooms or during experiments in labs. In cases where instructors and students concur in seeking exemption from this requirement, the instructor should apply to the Office of Academic Affairs after making proper arrangements in accordance with social distancing guidelines (1.5m indoors). Individual students reporting special needs may move to distance learning upon instructor approval. For
students who forget to wear a surgical mask to class, please borrow one from department/institute staff or from the managerial staff of the classroom building, and return a new one within a week.
To reiterate the content of the campuswide email sent on April 5, please stay highly alert about your own health status during the 14 days following the Tomb Sweeping Holiday. In case of any indisposition, wear a surgical mask, seek medical attention immediately, and inform the contact person in pandemic of your department/institute/office. In addition, students and colleagues who return home after being tested for COVID-19 should practice a 14-day self-health management starting the last date of
contact with a confirmed case or the date of symptom onset, and should not come to the campus for work or class during this period.
To ensure thorough implementation of anti-COVID-19 measures on campus, please forward this message to personnel independently employed by faculty, departments, institutes, and offices.
Sincerely yours,
NTU Secretariat