班哲明(Benjamin Bernard)助理教授
Part-time research assistants (graduate students).
I have four positions available,
please indicate with your application which ones you would like to apply for:
1.Help develop and polish my Latex package xgames and the document class I
use for my slides.
Solid knowledge in TeX or good research skills to find solutions online are
2.Help develop and implement a Bayesian predictor for the card game Avalon.
Language is C++.
The model is based on finite belief spaces like these:
The game-theoretic model is learned quickly.
3.Help build a question bank for my courses.
I am mostly interested in original situations from everyday life that can be
analyzed using game theory.
4.Help me design a new website (in CSS3 and HTML5).
It could be based on a template.
1. English proficiency. (需與老師用英文進行溝通)
2. 具處理上述工作內容之相關知識或技能
16000 NTD / month for 16 hours of work a week.
意者請將 (1)英文履歷 (2)英文成績單或其他有利審查資料
寄至[email protected] 專任助理吳佳穗信箱,
主旨請註明『Application for the RA position - (姓名)』