※ 引述《lorentz (燕兒自由飛翔)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《lattice (島國的子民)》之銘言:
: : 聽說有大三學弟高上 MIT + CIT
: : 我們的駐兩校代表們在 prospective weekend 不知道是不是有好好招待一
: Dear Alice,
: I treated him well (at least I bought him a coffee) and told him
: something to consider beside the research interest. Apparently
: he's interested in *the* Alice as well.....anyone knows his
: final decision?
Hi, can't help "overhearing" ...lol
Are you guys all in MIT or Caltech?
I'd really like to study there, if I can, in the future...but right now I really need to get my priorities sorted out...lol
anyway, bye for now