※ 引述《lidance (同情我就給我錢)》之銘言:
: 哇喔我第一個發現
: ※ 引述《ray80110 (阿瑞)》之銘言:
: : 比「錢」更大的危機:歐盟何去何從?
: : 歐元於1999年成立,打破美元獨大的局面。
: : 自2009年初至今年,歐債危機襲捲全球,人人自危。歐盟要求債信不良國家厲行嚴酷節約措施,搶救經濟,無力自救的國家,由歐盟派任專家接手。節約同時帶來社福、教育的萎縮,各國示威、抗爭風起雲湧,希臘政府被迫換人,義大利的公投成為眾矢之的…。
: : 原來被視為區域整合典範的歐盟,短短幾年成為危機的焦點,而且牽動全球禍福。究竟出了什麼問題?歐盟往哪裡去?我們不能不高度關心。
: : 講者 龐維德 歐洲經貿辦事處處長
: : 主持 郭崇倫 《時報周刊》總編輯
: : 2012年3月10日(六) 14:00~16:00
: : 月涵堂會議廳(台北市金華街110號)
: : Not Just About Money
: : EU Crisis and Its Next Step
: : In 1999, the Euro was born, and soon became a strong alternative currency to the U.S. dollar. However, starting in 2009, first Greece, then Ireland, Italy, Spain and Portugal, the Euro has come under pressure because of the large national debts of these countries. But the crisis is not just about money. Political differences, budget cuts, high unemployment and most importantly the threat to national sovereignty are all factors that have led to concerns over the EU's future. Will the EU endure these
: : growing pains? Can it continue the integration process while respecting the sovereignty of each country?How are these questions going to affect us here in Taiwan?
: : Speaker Frederic Laplanche Head of Office, European Economic and Trade Office
: : Moderator Cheng Lung Kuo Editor in Chief, China Times Weekly
: : Date and time:10 March 2012 Saturday 14:00 - 16:00
: : Venue:Yue-han Hall (110 Jin Hua Street Taipei)
: : 全程英語 不備翻譯 ENGLISH ONLY
: : 報名Registration Tel 02-33224907 Fax 02-33224918 www.civictaipei.org
: : 比「錢」更大的危機:歐盟何去何從?
: : 歐元於1999年成立,打破美元獨大的局面。
: : 自2009年初至今年,歐債危機襲捲全球,人人自危。歐盟要求債信不良國家厲行嚴酷節約措施,搶救經濟,無力自救的國家,由歐盟派任專家接手。節約同時帶來社福、教育的萎縮,各國示威、抗爭風起雲湧,希臘政府被迫換人,義大利的公投成為眾矢之的…。
: : 原來被視為區域整合典範的歐盟,短短幾年成為危機的焦點,而且牽動全球禍福。究竟出了什麼問題?歐盟往哪裡去?我們不能不高度關心。
: : 講者 龐維德 歐洲經貿辦事處處長
: : 主持 郭崇倫 《時報周刊》總編輯
: : 2012年3月10日(六) 14:00~16:00
: : 月涵堂會議廳(台北市金華街110號)
: : Not Just About Money
: : EU Crisis and Its Next Step
: : In 1999, the Euro was born, and soon became a strong alternative currency to the U.S. dollar. However, starting in 2009, first Greece, then Ireland, Italy, Spain and Portugal, the Euro has come under pressure because of the large national debts of these countries. But the crisis is not just about money. Political differences, budget cuts, high unemployment and most importantly the threat to national sovereignty are all factors that have led to concerns over the EU's future. Will the EU endure these
: : growing pains? Can it continue the integration process while respecting the sovereignty of each country?How are these questions going to affect us here in Taiwan?
: : Speaker Frederic Laplanche Head of Office, European Economic and Trade Office
: : Moderator Cheng Lung Kuo Editor in Chief, China Times Weekly
: : Date and time:10 March 2012 Saturday 14:00 - 16:00
: : Venue:Yue-han Hall (110 Jin Hua Street Taipei)
: : 全程英語 不備翻譯 ENGLISH ONLY
: : 報名Registration Tel 02-33224907 Fax 02-33224918 www.civictaipei.org
: : 比「錢」更大的危機:歐盟何去何從?
: : 歐元於1999年成立,打破美元獨大的局面。
: : 自2009年初至今年,歐債危機襲捲全球,人人自危。歐盟要求債信不良國家厲行嚴酷節約措施,搶救經濟,無力自救的國家,由歐盟派任專家接手。節約同時帶來社福、教育的萎縮,各國示威、抗爭風起雲湧,希臘政府被迫換人,義大利的公投成為眾矢之的…。
: : 原來被視為區域整合典範的歐盟,短短幾年成為危機的焦點,而且牽動全球禍福。究竟出了什麼問題?歐盟往哪裡去?我們不能不高度關心。
: : 講者 龐維德 歐洲經貿辦事處處長
: : 主持 郭崇倫 《時報周刊》總編輯
: : 2012年3月10日(六) 14:00~16:00
: : 月涵堂會議廳(台北市金華街110號)
: : Not Just About Money
: : EU Crisis and Its Next Step
: : In 1999, the Euro was born, and soon became a strong alternative currency to the U.S. dollar. However, starting in 2009, first Greece, then Ireland, Italy, Spain and Portugal, the Euro has come under pressure because of the large national debts of these countries. But the crisis is not just about money. Political differences, budget cuts, high unemployment and most importantly the threat to national sovereignty are all factors that have led to concerns over the EU's future. Will the EU endure these
: : growing pains? Can it continue the integration process while respecting the sovereignty of each country?How are these questions going to affect us here in Taiwan?
: : Speaker Frederic Laplanche Head of Office, European Economic and Trade Office
: : Moderator Cheng Lung Kuo Editor in Chief, China Times Weekly
: : Date and time:10 March 2012 Saturday 14:00 - 16:00
: : Venue:Yue-han Hall (110 Jin Hua Street Taipei)
: : 全程英語 不備翻譯 ENGLISH ONLY
: : 報名Registration Tel 02-33224907 Fax 02-33224918 www.civictaipei.org