yoly (搖哩~)
2003-07-09 11:09:04福利制度
˙週休二日, 上下班免打卡 ˙三節禮券 ˙婚喪津貼
˙年終紅利及獎金 ˙年度免費醫療體檢 ˙提供員工旅遊
˙年薪固定14個月(含年終獎金2個月) ˙勞保/健保/團體保險 提供國內外教育訓練
l 只要你是電機、機械等相關科系畢業之學士或碩士
l 只要你在校成績優異、英文說寫流利
~~~~ 誠摯歡迎您至NI大顯身手 ~~~~
Application Engineer:
★ Responsible for demonstrating and configuring virtual instrumentation
system to existing and new customers
★ Provide technical support
★ Conduct technical seminars and training on NI products
★ Work extensively with all departments of the company, including sales
and marketing to find creative and timely solutions to customer problems
★ University degree or above, EE or ME major preferred
★ Familiar with computer hardware and OS
★ Proficiency in English speaking and writing ability
★ Aggressive and self-initiative working attitude
★ We hire the best. We offer very competitive compensation
Career Path of Application Engineer:
★ Field Sales Engineer
★ The candidate will be part of an excellent training period of 12-18
months as Applications Engineer, before becoming fully independent and
responsible for driving sales in the region assigned, to meet aggressive
growth target
公司網址: ni.com/taiwan
Tel: 2528-7227 #367 蘇's