※ [本文轉錄自 NTUIB97 看板]
作者: SaintEvita (艾薇塔) 看板: NTUIB97
標題: Re: BCG波士頓顧問公司 2008校園徵才說明會
時間: Sun Mar 2 19:28:00 2008
※ [本文轉錄自 NTU-GIIB2007 看板]
作者: SaintEvita (艾薇塔) 看板: NTU-GIIB2007
標題: Re: BCG波士頓顧問公司 2008校園徵才說明會
時間: Sun Mar 2 19:27:27 2008
※ [本文轉錄自 NTU-GIIB2006 看板]
作者: SaintEvita (艾薇塔) 看板: NTU-GIIB2006
標題: Re: BCG波士頓顧問公司 2008校園徵才說明會
時間: Sun Mar 2 19:26:33 2008
BCG 波士頓顧問公司 2008校園徵才
對於自己的事業生涯規劃 您做好萬全準備了嗎?
千萬不能錯過 BCG 波士頓顧問公司 2008校園徵才說明會
The Boston Consulting Group is a leading international strategic and general
management consulting firm. Founded in 1963 and operating in Asia since 1966,
our mission is to help leading corporations create and sustain competitive
advantage through a virtuous circle of insight, impact, and trust.
With 66 offices in major cities around the world, BCG offers its clients and
employees a wealth of cross-cultural business experience.
We are seeking Associates in Taiwan, to help develop our Greater China
Candidates should possess the following attributes:
‧ An undergrad degree or above and outstanding academic records from a
top-tier university
‧ Demonstrated leadership capabilities and teamwork in work or extra
curricular activities
‧ High intellectual curiosity and energy
‧ Strong analytical and communication skills
‧ Fluent Mandarin and English (both spoken and written)
These positions offer outstanding potential for professional development with
one of the world’s leading firms in strategy consulting.
We cordially invite you to the on-campus presentation on:
Monday, March 3, 2008
6:30pm – 8:00pm
台灣大學 管理學院 第二活動中心B1 蘇格拉底廳
We are currently accepting application until Monday, March 10, 2008.
If interested, please submit your application online (www.bcg.com) to:
Carol Tsoi
Recruiting Coordinator
The Boston Consulting Group
Your application needs to comprise of:
1) cover letter
2) updated resume
3) copy of your university transcripts, GMAT or TOEFL results, or equivalent