幫學長代PO實習資訊,如有違反板規先致歉<(_ _)>
Fareastone Business Analyst Intern
Full time in Feb.(NT $20,000) 2 Days/week after Feb.($120/hr)
Job description
‧Participating and contributing to rigorous problem solving process
-Identifying problems and key issues
-Processing customer behavior data, deriving insights, forming hypothesis
-Conducting analyses, building arguments, developing actionable solution
-Presenting to executives and/or cross-department teams to secure action and
resource commitments
1.Self-motivated achiever
2.Matured, confident, and articulate
3.Enjoy fast changing environment with good tolerance for ambiguity
4.Exceptional critical thinking skills
5.Undergrad or advanced degrees from leading universities in science,
engineering, or business are
6.Fast learner with strong curiosity
7.Experiences in telecom, internet, e-commerce, media, cloud computing,
consumer devices would be a plus.
請檢附 Cover Page(英文)、履歷、成績單、自傳、證照等相關資料於2015/1/26(一)前
E-mail:[email protected]
預計面試時間:2015/1/28(三)、2015/1/29(四)、2015/1/30(五) 依安排參加其中一天場