Northeast Asian Open Debate 2006 (NEAO 2006)
Round 1: People vs. The Man
THW risk civilian casualties for military victories.
THBT Guantanamo Bay detainees should receive normal US criminal
due process rights.
THW violate individual rights to protect the domestic order.
Round 2: Pop culture
THBT Borat is good for Kazakhstan.
THBT orphans prefer the "Material World" to the 3rd World.
THBT celebrities should be required to perform community service.
Round 3: The Environment
THW sacrifice growth to protect the world's oceanic creatures.
THW blame citizens, not their governments, for global warming.
TH Supports private ownership of public water systems.
Round 4: Economics
THW abolish the minimum wage.
THB the Korean Wave has broken.
THW sign a Free Trade Agreement with America.
Round 5: The Soviet Union
THS the re-creation of the Soviet Union.
THBT the Russian government should protect voices of opposition
within its borders.
THB the European Union should include the nations of the Former Soviet Union.
Quarter Finals: Government and Morality
THBT government has a moral obligation to end poverty.
THW make education gay friendly.
THW ban religious symbols in government institutions.
Semis: Very Bad People
THW waterboard (torture) Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld.
THW mourn Fidel Castro's death.
THW not give Saddam Hussein the death penalty.
Finals: Northeast Asia
This House Believes that Taiwan has earned its seat in the United Nations.
THBT Japan should build nuclear weapons.
THBT Korea should be thankful for the American Empire.
Rookie Final: Science and Health
THW subsidize public consumption of wine.
THW ban animal testing for the creation of new medicine.
THBT nature trumps nurture.