[仔仔] 運動代表隊校刊

作者: ericmustlive (浩南小周)   2010-11-26 18:30:36
另外 大咪幫忙翻基本資料 需要大家的護照英文名字
還有系級的英文 大家幫個忙在下面推文吧~~
作者: ericmustlive (浩南小周)   2009-01-26 18:31:00
你是誰? 系級英文 護照英文名字周肇柏 Accounting junior Chou Chao-po
作者: kuoly1 (JaylaK)   2009-01-26 18:43:00
郭令儀 Electrical and Engineering Kuo Ling-Yi
作者: maplesida (丹尼)   2009-01-26 19:30:00
蔡治緯 Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering Tsai Chih-wei
作者: ericmustlive (浩南小周)   2009-01-26 20:17:00
作者: kuoly1 (JaylaK)   2009-01-26 20:22:00
作者: ericmustlive (浩南小周)   2009-01-26 20:29:00
作者: rob85143 (Rob)   2009-01-26 21:41:00
Business Administration juniorChuang Po-Kai
作者: LauLu (It'll be Good!!!)   2009-01-27 00:36:00
LuLu Graduate Institute of Communication EngineeringYu-Chun Lu
作者: NtuForestK (森林K)   2009-01-27 12:26:00
徐任賢 Forestry and Resource ConservationHsu Jen-Hsiensophomore Forestry and Resource Conservation
作者: dtiger (抱一下)   2009-01-27 14:37:00
林軒宇 Department of Civil Engineering Phd studentLin Hsuan-Yu
作者: hans19881126 (問號 Hans湯)   2009-01-27 22:02:00
湯閏皓 EE senior Tang Ruenn-Haw都在我筆電,我在系上
作者: NtuForestK (森林K)   2009-01-27 23:50:00
作者: soulqo (soulqo)   2009-01-28 12:20:00
Business Administration junior Lin Yen-Ting
作者: yuanmax (yuan)   2009-01-28 16:29:00
Mechanical Engineering junior Chang Ling-Yuan
作者: rickg00d (Panda)   2009-01-28 17:19:00
陳皇達 Chemical Engineering sophomore Chen Huang-Ta
作者: bigcapacity (as title)   2009-01-28 22:00:00
廖大容/ Political Science/ freshman/ Liao Ta-Jung
作者: rubyzhou (阿如)   2009-01-28 23:01:00
周芳如/Business Administration junior/Chou Fang-Ju
作者: chiu1224 (CC)   2009-01-29 07:54:00
邱奕鈞/Department of Geography/ Chiu Yi-Chung
作者: NanaAzurLee (Nana L.)   2010-02-07 15:39:00
現在推來得及嗎??李蔚藍/Business Department, Finance/ Wei-Lan Lee
作者: ericmustlive (浩南小周)   2010-02-07 17:48:00

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